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Civil War: Captain America

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No need to say but there might be Spoilers in this post do not read if you to watch it.

Over all this was an entertaining movie. There was plenty of action.

So new Spiderman what do you guys think? Seems more like the comic book version I remember as kid.

I liked Antman was dead on funny and entertaining. When he was large he did move very slow thou.

The whole fight seemed forced like in Batman v Superman. I do not remember Bucky telling Cap about killing the Starks but I guess that happened off the screen.

I did not like the villain he was too plain. They could have picked so many other villains to fight.

Posted : 16/05/2016 11:38 pm
Posts: 1324

Bucky never told him anything about Starks parents. Cap didn't know it was Bucky. It was in Winter Soldier that Cap learned Hydra had killed Tony's dad during the scene with Voloff (as a computer). Cap apparently chose never to tell Tony about it. He says in that moment in Civil War that he didn't know it was Bucky that killed them.

As for the Airport scene your the first person I've heard say it seemed forced. And I've listened to Many friends and critics alike. Most say it's the best action scene in all of Superhero movies. A couple have said they think it might be the best action scene they've seen in any movie. I'm not ready to say the later till I've seen it a couple more times but I certainly agree with the former. That whole scene could have been pulled frame for frame from a comic book in the 90's. Not only was the action amazing but the humor during the action was hilarious and none of it was action just for actions sake. It propelled the story and had many individual story arcs happening at once. When you compare that to the hundreds of action movies in the last 30 years you'll find that's a very difficult feat to accomplish. That scene and the final battle both are masterpiece's.

To be continued once I have my keyboard. Typing on my tablet screen sux on long posts.

Posted : 17/05/2016 12:56 am
Posts: 858

quick note: the airport scene was almost 100% CG:

Posted : 17/05/2016 4:26 am
Posts: 2050
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Not that airport fight seems forced. The whole concept. Why does Ironman not investigate Caps claims? I get it they have been building up to this point where Cap and Ironman just cannot get along under the Avengers banner.

So no comments on the new Spiderman (boy)? The only problem I had with him is they put in in the trailers. I know it is hard to control that kind of thing, but it would have been SOOO much cooler to just spring Spiderman on us like BOOM.

Posted : 19/05/2016 2:26 pm
Posts: 2050
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Oh I also hope when they do the new Spiderman movie they do not go into the whole bit by the radioactive spider and Uncle Ben getting killed again.

Who is going to a movie like that without knowing the basic back story of the superhero?

Posted : 19/05/2016 2:28 pm
Posts: 2050
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You now that I think I wish they would throw dare devil in this movies some where. That tv show is well done.

Posted : 20/05/2016 1:55 pm
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

and the punisher netflix series is gona be awesome too 🙂

Posted : 23/05/2016 12:35 am
Posts: 2050
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I think that will be the first time they ever got the Punisher right in a video format.

Posted : 23/05/2016 11:57 am