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Dawn of Justice

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I refuse to call that movie Batman v Superman because it was not a head to head battle as many of us believed it would not be. There is a post some where in this very board about Batman v Superman dating WAY back.

I am sure anybody that wanted to watch this movie has by this point. If you have not please stop reading this and go watch it then come back before you complain about me spoiling it for you.


Now then I like Superman I have pretty much always liked him over other comic book heroes. I do not hate Batman or anything I just like Superman better. I have to say I am not overly thrilled by the latest version of Superman he does okay but it still feels like something is missing.

I also must say I am not a comic book collector and I rarely purchase one, but found a better way to get them on my kindle so I might read a few here and there now.

Now to the movie. I was not impressed. I do not understand so many things about this movie. I cannot remember them all.

Why are people giving Lex Luthor access to all the alien technology with little to no oversight.

Why does anybody trust Luthor he is acting like a nut not a business man? I mean I think they put the Joker in as Luther but did not change the name.

Why does everybody hate Superman because of some random people being killed in the middle of Africa?? Maybe?? Couldn't they tell the people were shot not crushed besides the one head Terrorist? It makes no sense.

I kind of get Batman was mad about Superman blowing up his Wayne Enterprises building in Metropolis .... (Why was the building there and not in Gotham?) but couldn't Bruce Wayne figure out it was not Superman's fault a ship full of Aliens showed up and Superman stopped them?

WHY WHY WHY do I have to see the Wayne's killed again and again??? Who does not know this by now that Batman is Batman because his parents were killed infront of him???

I know Robin of some form was killed so they throw that in there. Maybe they will explain in another film maybe not.

Was that the Flash who warns Batman about Louse Lane being the key?

I did not like the whole boy being pulled up with the Bats that was just weird.

SOOOOO your mom and mom have the same name well we are pals now...... WHAT!?!

Batman would have listened to Superman instead of start shooting him with crap. The whole fight seemed forced.

Wonder Woman was cool.

Why didn't the Flash just show up like Wonder Woman??

They tried to fit everything in and it just did not work well.

I still liked the whole thing OK. I just know it could have been better.

Posted : 30/04/2016 2:03 pm
Posts: 119

Agreed James it could have been better far better not sure who wrote the script. I think they were trying to catch up to the avengers with one movie and it didn't come out as planned.

Posted : 04/05/2016 7:01 am
Posts: 2050
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Have you watched the How it Should Have Ended on YouTube? That nails it right there.

Posted : 05/05/2016 9:24 am
Posts: 1324

We're not going to know what Zak Snyder truly created until the Blu-ray comes out. WB forced him to cut just over 30mins out of the final cut of the movie only weeks before the movie had to start getting distributed. That led to a very roughly edited movie. The R version coming on Blu-ray is going to answer at least some of the questions BvS left us with.

However, after talking thru a lot of the gaphs and plot holes my final conclusion at this time is that Zak Snyder is not a good story teller. He's amazing at creating epic visuals. But he's weak on telling a story. Sadly WB had already scheduled Justice League to start filming shortly after BVS was released. Not enough time for them to reconsider using Snyder to direct it.

I still liked BvS overall but it was a disappointment considering what it could have been. The real problem with the new DC universe is Warner Brothers is not DC. They are choosing directors and screenwriters who don't know and aren't fans of the source material. Marvel has taken chances on directors who had never done anything as large or similar to what they hired them for and the results were Guardian of the Galaxy and Captain America Winter Soldier!! The Ruso's and James Gunn are all Marvel Comics fans from their childhood. And it shows with how they've handled these stories and characters.

Posted : 06/05/2016 7:30 am