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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Spoilers: (I figured by this point anybody who wanted to see it has already seen it)

Okay overall I liked the movie it was entertaining, action packed, exciting, funny, and over all fun.

I was however not as happy about some parts that might be because I am old. I did not mind about the porgs or the green milking part it would not be Star Wars if it did not have some things like that.

I feel let down by what they did with Luke Skywalker. I mean we do not know what he has done in the last 30+ years other than start a Jedi Temple and Ben Solo turns on him and burns it down. What else has he been doing? There are books that explain things, but the movie should have explained just a little bit about what he has been doing. I guess they could not fit that in the 2 hour + movie. The force projection to fight Kylo Ren seemed like they had lots of ideas how to do that and came up with that idea to save time. I mean it was OKAY, but still seems like Luke's story should get wrapped up better.

Snoke - The Powerful force user leader of the First Order, Ancient creature, is taken out by a trick. I guess that is okay, it felt kind of like a cheat. Plus we never knew much about him. Who he was where he came from what his movtives are what he planned.

Captain Phasma - She is suppose to be this top level Storm Trooper yet she is defeated by a jantior who was in comma for months. I would not be suprised if she did not some how make it out of the burning ship and we will see her again but she has not done anything yet to make me impressed with her.

The running space battle where the Resitance Cruser is faster than the First Order battle ships. Does the First Order only have 5 or 6 ships? Could they not call in more ships to maybe jump in front of the Resitance ships? Of course they would not give time for the side adventure of Finn and Rose to the cansio world which I also did not like, but it was okay.

If jumping a capital ship into another ship going into lightspeed will blow the other ship up, why didn't Pink Hair leader get all her people off one of the smaller capital ships and before it ran out of fuel turn it on the First Order fleet. I mean I get it they did not know how the First Order was tracking them in Hyperspace, but why waste the ships. - This one I am only kind of mad about there are reasons not to do this. Like - The smaller ships would have been shot down first, they did not have as good of sheilds etc etc.

Losing Akbar also was a downer.

The best things about this one was the opening space fight, Rey and Ren fighting the Red Guards in the Throne Room.

Like I said at the start it was a good entertaining show, it just left me feeling like somethings were left out that explained it better.

Posted : 23/12/2017 10:52 am
FWH Amerwyn
Posts: 120

Agree. It was good but I wanted more. There's a lot of backstory questions that we don't seem to be getting answered. Liked who is/was Snoke. And who is Rey...I'm hoping the answer we have is not really the answer.

Luke was not what I was expecting. He was so determined that Vader could be saved when no one else thought there was any good left in him. But when it came to his nephew he thinks he's being influenced by the dark side and heading that way so he just tried to kill him. Also wanted to stick around for the next movie. And I know he might be present but it's not the same.

Posted : 23/12/2017 12:21 pm
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group

I hate that Hollywood still can't get space travel right. The only reason to leave engines on in that chase is to increase speed. Once at top speed, cut the engines... they won't slow down as the other two ships did in this movie. They wouldn't need to keep the engines on and run out of fuel. To me it's a slap in the face telling me they don't think we the audience are smart enough to know that's how space travel works. How else could the Voyager probes still be heading out of our solar system? They certainly don't have a propulsion system to speak of.

Aside from that rant, I also would like to have known more of Snoke's back story. How did he come by his knowledge of the Force? And I also disliked the way they ended Luke's story. That could have been handled better in my opinion.

Posted : 24/12/2017 1:31 pm