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AC Nostalgia

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FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
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I'm sure we've discussed this before, but every so often I see or hear something that makes me think of Asheron's Call (as happens for many of us I'm sure!). Whatever it was that sparked it, I got to thinking about all the great places and adventures AC held for those of us who played it. I started trying to figure out what was my favorite place in AC. It was really an amazing map, and the fact that it wasn't separated into different areas, there was no 'zoning' while running from place to place on the mainland, etc was just amazing at that time.

No other MMO has ever duplicated its uniqueness and we've all discussed these things before. Its lore was unique, its look and feel were unique, and its approach to character development was second to none in my opinion. I always loved that you could make exactly the character you wanted to make, and it could still be viable. And that any combination of characters was a viable group also made it so much fun to play!

So my question is, what was your favorite area in AC. What part of the map did you love the most? You can find a really good reference map here. It's actually way more current than when I last played it, but the mainland never changed much over time. I think my favorite place was the area surrounding Qalaba'r. I had a lot of great solo and group adventures in a lot of different places on the map, but I think I always like the area near Qalaba'r the best, even though most of the time I seemed to be based out of Fort Tethana.

Posted : 22/11/2017 5:54 am