I am trying to find a list of the functions and what they do. Somehow I am not keeping up with this class. It started very slow and jump into programming without explaining why people are using the functions they are.
I have done several searches online, nothing that shows a list of what I need. I have asked for help in the class, little response. The professor has offered help, but it's hard to talk on the phone with the kids. I like to teach myself these things but I need the data.
So I am looking for info like why or when do you use
etc etc.
I took a logic class and I understand how to flow chart and construct a program, I just need to learn how to tell the damn computer what I want.
I have Micrsoft Visual Studio 2010 professional.
I think I may have found what I'm looking for. But any resources would be thanked greatly.
FWH Geirrod wrote:
So I am looking for info like why or when do you use
etc etc.
Thank you sir.
double = Used for money most of the time. 1.00
int = larger numbers
char = a letter or a thing that is not a number.
Took the class two years ago and do not use it every day so hope that helps.