According to half the country has fallen below the poverty line or is 'struggling to get by'.
Just as the Press continues to find 'climate change' stories to try and keep it an issue, you'll see more and more stories about the 'poor' and 'wealthy' as the Press tries to bolster Obama's obvious campaign strategy of class warfare.
About three years ago a study was done by one of the universities back east and they found some not so surprising results. Among the households regarded as below the poverty line, something like 75% had two or more TVs in the house, all modern appliances (maybe not new, but had them), one or more gaming consoles, 80% had cell phones, 40 something percent had more than one car. Apparently, poverty has a different meaning to some. I'm pretty sure they guy I knew in the Army who was younger than me and grew up in a house in rural Maryland where he didn't have indoor plumbing until he was 10 might agree with me.
I know personally what it's like to have a family of four on significantly less than 45k a year, what is currently considered 'below the poverty line', though they don't say how they calculate it for smaller families. When my daughter was born, making us a family of 4, the idea of making 42k a year, like one of the civilian contractors working with me made was a pipe dream. Am I making more than 45k a year now? Yep, but not because i've been sitting around waiting for the government to hand out a 'living wage'.
The next time someone you know talks about 'the poor', make you ask them to qualify what that means.
Sweet deal being poor is awesome.