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Changes in Gaming

43 Posts
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Posts: 473
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With John's mention of how few of us are playing anything together i thought i would start a conversation i have been having with some of the guys i play board games with on a regular basis.

I truly miss the MMORPG, the social interaction and long term character building were something i really enjoyed.

However with today's "gamer" anything that you can't start up with a tap on your phone and play for 2 minutes and then drop seems to be quickly dying.

Seems to me all the development has been in the Tablet/Phone market and very little is being developed for the personal computer.

It started with the console games and you could see developers try to switch MMO's over to console(SWG dibacle anyone?) Now with the mass media constant information overload, games requiring any time investment or in depth play or development seem non-existant.

Perhaps I am just getting old, but i long for a game that requires actually socializing with others and takes a few hours to play.

Just my thoughts, lets hear yours.


Posted : 10/09/2015 7:21 am
Posts: 610

Well I was going to be on lotro on saturday. Just can't get into stuff during work week

Posted : 10/09/2015 10:19 am
FWH Jeep
Posts: 184

I can't see myself ever playing something as involved as WoW again. I had a great time playing it, failing at all the different characters and such. I played World Of Tanks for awhile but then the mods circus came along and just took the fun out of it so that got shelved. Right now I play Mechwarrior Online, I love it, you can play by yourself or with a team, no "holy trinity" ( tank,dps,healer ) bull to deal with, you can build whatever type of mech you want, shoot lasers at each other and play however you want to. Its free to play, very customizable, they give you mechs to run until you can buy your own and the trial mechs are just as dangerous as the owned ones. Bottom line, I operate big giant robots that shoot lasers.

Posted : 10/09/2015 11:00 am
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

I miss muds...

Posted : 11/09/2015 4:11 am
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group

Yeah I agree with you Curtis. I miss that too, but to be frank, I have absolutely no time for that type of game anymore. Between the two jobs and family time, I barely even have time to get on the computer away from work. A lot of times I don't even want to get on the computer anymore, I spend so much time on them (day job, then grading/prepping for teaching). I would love to see FWH rally around a game and come together again, even so...

Posted : 11/09/2015 5:38 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290

I think there are several factors at play: yes, games and gaming has changed some, but for most of us I think our lives have changed significantly since we first came together and played together.

I'm fortunate to have time to play I just don't find too much appealing to play anymore. I still have my WoW accounts and dabble in it, but not with much (any) zeal.

The last MMO I was 'dying for' was a complete let-down (Wildstar) and frankly, I don't know what could really pique my interest in an MMO anymore. Face it, we've been there, done that, right? We're tha gamers who started MMOs when no one knew what MMO meant. Let's not forget FPS games and strategy - we've done all the major players in every category. Who ya gonna impress? Not us. Hardly. We've become victims of our own experience!

I'm looking forward to checking out Overwatch, even though it's a complete and obvious rip-off of TeamFortress (like all of Blizzard's new games are a rip-off of something). I'll be checking out EA's Star Wars: Battlefront. I know; it's going to be Battlefield with a Star Wars skin, but that's ok, I do still shoot some fools in the nugget in BF4.

I got weak.. curious, call it what you will - bought Mad Max without knowing much about it and have been pleasantly surprised. I'm enjoying it so far.

I just came from the Turbine site. I realized I hadn't heard anything from them in a while and discovered they were bought out by Warner Brothers (WB publishes Mad Max game) back in 2010. On their about page they don't even mention Asheron's Call other than a link in the footer. That's f--ing sad. Without AC, Turbine would have folded without anyone even knowing their name. /rant

I miss you all but it feels like the days we had will be just that, the days we had.

Posted : 11/09/2015 8:18 am
Posts: 1324

Curtis, Ive been thinking along the same lines for a while now. I miss the days of truly playing with others. Ive gotten quite pulled into Marvels Contest of Champions. But its still not as social and multifaceted as WoW was.

I would encourage everyone to look at tablet games. Some of them are far more involved than your average mobile game. Some aspects even involve team play and coordination. I Lead an alliance of 30 ppl in MCoC including 3 other FWHers. And being seriously competitive means spending a lot more time than a few mins at a time.

Posted : 12/09/2015 7:06 am
Posts: 2050

Maybe we could look into some kind of private server type game to play.

Posted : 15/09/2015 3:02 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290

Not a bad idea - but what to play...? What would have the most appeal for everyone?

Posted : 15/09/2015 6:41 am
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

ac2 server!

Posted : 15/09/2015 7:16 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290

FWH Briareos wrote: ac2 server!

That was actually a pretty fun game, but few of us played it - there was a reason, but I forget what else was going on then (other than AC still), but something else 'new' had everyone's attention I think. Do you remember?

Posted : 15/09/2015 8:36 am
Posts: 473
Topic starter

I never made it off the space station in the wildstar beta.

How is that game?

Notice it goes free to play sept 29th.

Posted : 15/09/2015 1:05 pm
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

dark age of camelot maybe?

ac2 had issues that couldnt be fixed properly, unbalanced classes, and when they tried to balance one they would mess up another...and rubberbanding, that was insane, basically aoe nukers run wild and didnt make it fun, we did have some fun battles tho for control of the entrances to instances....eventually wow showed up?

Posted : 16/09/2015 4:47 am
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group

John I'm thinking it was probably Anarchy Online, or possibly Horizons... not sure. I would still love to have a private FWH AC2 server. That would be awesome! I only got to play AC2 during beta, and I think it was because my PC wasn't up to snuff. I remember the beta being no fun for me at all because my PC just couldn't keep up, and I was not in a position to upgrade.

Posted : 16/09/2015 6:14 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290

Anarchy Online lol if ever a game was aptly named. Talk about a crap launch. Worst in my entire gaming lifespan and given the number of game launches I've been through, that says a lot.

I know there are vanilla or 'classic' WoW servers out there - we had one going briefly, and I've seen references to some EQ private server, but that's about it. Anyone dig up anything else of the MMO variety, that is.

Posted : 17/09/2015 8:12 am
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