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Changes in Gaming

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FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

Anarchy Online! HA! I was there for that go live! the starting area 🙂 oh boy, i had a laser gun and because the skill was so awful and their math crazy when you shot a lazer it would go 90 degrees to the left or right when you pointed the gun at something! I still have the original AO game box somewhere in the garage with the disks 🙂

I wouldnt want to play WoW vanilla server tho...i spent so much time on wow, it would feel kind of weird to play on an unpopulated server.......and i would be reminiscin bout goin back to real wow and if i get hooked i be pissed!

AO - i remember somebody had some free keys to play AO and gave em away and we did play for a bit together...

Posted : 18/09/2015 12:31 am
Posts: 2050

We should conduct a poll about what genre of game most people would like to play. Fantasy, Space, Historic, Urban, etc. Then we can focus our research and decide if it would be good to go back to an older game or look for a newer game. With my experience with going back to play SWG it was fun for a bit but they do not have everything ready to set up private servers so you get stuck with uber leet a-holes who have everything under the sun in the game and make certain parts no fun.

Which is a game problem we have now. Playing MMORPGs take HUGE amounts of time. If you do not give the time then you log in and your getting ganked by a 12 year old or a 12 year old is camping the best resource etc etc. Each game has it's own issue. If we had our on server to play on we control things like that. You get to play at your own pace. I know something like this is out there. We just need to find it.

1- Set up poll to pick a genre
2 - Research gaming choices
3 - Get private server or something like it
4 - Game on and invite trusted people

Posted : 18/09/2015 9:28 am
Posts: 506

If FWH sets up a private server game I will give it a shot. I know some will not be able to join us for any in-depth game time because their current lifestyle doesn't support it, but I would like to see us try to have something for us to get together and enjoy something again.

Right now I play with my brother in WoT and then I am in an alliance with BKG, Shishion, and G in MCOC on the phone app, but it doesn't have a lot where we are actively engaged together.

Posted : 18/09/2015 9:52 am
Posts: 388

I've just about stopped playing WoW, myself. I have enough gold stashed on my Paladin to pay for about two years of playtime, so I doubt I'll let the account lapse. They lost me when they made it complicted to get flying in the latest expansion. I've already quested and/or paid for flying multiple times in the past 10 years. I don't want to do it again, and seeing that the Dev's want flying gone for good, bah. WoW was not really as much of an exploration game as AC was. I play some Starcraft II when Tater and my brother-in-law have time, and against the wife all the time. I've delved into Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. Eh... I do have Diablo III, but it's relegated to the PS3. Other than sparce time in those games, most of my gaming time is Android or iPad related. Clickers or one round strategy games that I can put down whenever I want.

Posted : 20/09/2015 10:38 pm
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

i would love to see people in lotro....i got into fantasy because when i was a young whippersnapper i had to write a book report and i found a book called the hobbit...and the rest is history...i play wot sometimes, i dont even know if i am gona try world of warships even....lotro had a nice looking guild house last i remember 🙂

Posted : 21/09/2015 1:12 am
Posts: 876

Warships is Meh...not as much strategy involved at least in my opinion. In tanks you at least had to try to find cover or whatever...I do miss seeing a lot of FWH guys. Lotro is ok but I often find myself going nights on end without playing. A lot of that has more to do with "life" than the game though. With a young kiddo who needs help with homework or just wants to play with me, and a wife....I just cant get into games that dont have a pause or save button like I used to. I cant sit for even an hour undisturbed like I did when I was 22 and had nothing else going on once I got home.

Posted : 22/09/2015 1:19 am
Posts: 2050

I think a lot of us are in the same boat. We have little to no free time to engage in hard core online gaming. I doubt many of us will till we get on toward retirement age. For me that is in 10 years.

Posted : 01/10/2015 3:28 am
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

i started visiting lotro. sometimes i just look around and enjoy the view 🙂 the middle earth....then i logo off and do other stuff 🙂 sometimes i finish a quest...dont care if it takes years to get to lvl 100, but just being in middle earth and even if the graphics could be improved with a super duper improved graphics pack, maybe similar to skyrim i still will go visit 🙂

Posted : 02/10/2015 1:44 am
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group

I've said it before, but let me just say it again for everyone. If you haven't tried Minecraft yet, do so. You'll be glad you did. That's all I'm going to say about it.

Posted : 02/10/2015 5:59 am
Posts: 610

Tried and dubbed snorecraft. I'm a Tolkien fan and like lotro

Posted : 03/10/2015 10:54 am
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group

And how deeply did you delve into Minecraft? It has far more depth than one might think.

Posted : 03/10/2015 11:01 am
FWH Fgia
Posts: 209

I have been playing WoW a good bit but had to stop because of money and playoff baseball (go Royals). I have been playing WoWS and Armored Wafare. PS4 has me hooked on The Crew.

Posted : 07/10/2015 11:11 pm
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

i had lots of fun on vols minecraft server with a buddy, it was nice cuz i like the creative aspect and no griefing there...still that realms thing ... is busted! my invite is no where to be seen dammit!

Posted : 08/10/2015 1:12 am
FWH Bennett
Posts: 123

I've been playing Pillars of Eternity for the last couple of days. It's fantastic! Takes me right back to all those great Infinity Engine games like Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, and Baldur's Gate. Bear in mind, I've only put in about 7 hours of playtime, but so far I'd recommend it.

Posted : 08/10/2015 2:29 pm
FWH Jeep
Posts: 184

Holy Monkey It's Bennett!

Posted : 08/10/2015 3:22 pm
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