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Enders Game

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While I have high hopes about things like this I think it will flop.

Posted : 27/10/2012 3:33 pm
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290

One of my favorite books EVER.

(Books, for those under.. say.. 30... are what you might call an analog website)

Books are always difficult to do justice to in the film format, but I'll be more interested in seeing that than I will the remake of Red Dawn, that's for sure.

Posted : 29/10/2012 5:51 am
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group

/agree with Vystrel... or the remake of RoboCop (again proving my theory that Hollywood is out of ideas).

Posted : 29/10/2012 6:05 am
Posts: 1324

It's certainly true that fewer original screenplays are having success today than say 20 years ago. I love this book series and can't wait to see it - especially to witness the look on my friends faces at the end who never read the book!!

Posted : 30/10/2012 10:04 am
Posts: 80

My wife purchased the book for me but I have not read it yet...I am in the middle of a re-read of the WoT series preparing for the final book due out in Feb.

She loved it though so I am looking forward to it.
Posted : 31/10/2012 2:44 am
Posts: 2050
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If I was you and you have never read the book I would hold off till after the movie so you will not be disappointed as badly if the movie is not that good.

Of all the Books converted to Movies only the Lord of the Rings was done OK in my opinion. Even thou they cut out certain parts. Books have characters inter dialogs that can be very important to the development of certain characters. Powerful actors can show the emotions in the oh hell somebody came in and talked to me and I forgot what I was saying

Posted : 31/10/2012 6:12 am
Posts: 80

I might wait but I tell you I found that I enjoyed the Hunger Games much more than I think I would have if I did not read the books.

I found that I was filling in all the missing pieces, in my head, the movie left out and was still able to enjoy the movie.
hopefully they don't mess it up.
Posted : 31/10/2012 8:06 am
Posts: 1324

While I'm not quite as picky as James on the issue, I do agree that I've always found reading the book after seeing the movie left me feeling like the book expounded on the movie.

Ugh! The thought of rereading the entire WoT series is daunting! But I ought to do that. I also need to get my Nook fixed.

Posted : 31/10/2012 8:43 am
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

i just finished the latest book in the wot series few weeks back...i love that series, its the only one i actually want to have a hardcover collection of 🙂 imagine if someone wanted to blow a shitload of money and make wot into a really good series on hbo or something 🙂

Posted : 01/11/2012 3:57 am
Posts: 2050
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I love the WOT books but anything like a TV show about it would be hard. Maybe if they did it in cartoon form. maybe

Posted : 01/11/2012 5:48 am
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

After finishing that last wot book, i thought the part of the aiel future that aviendha saw in rhuidean was brilliant (for my lil pea brain) .. what a great way to fix the whole aiel ji e toh problem!

Posted : 13/11/2012 2:59 am