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[Sticky] FWH History

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FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290
Topic starter

The clan started in the summer of '97 with a group of players in Age of Empires. Deathon, PorchMonkey, Foistie, Fishbownz, Sir Lance, Getsum and a few others from a group named WKA (We Kick Ass) reformed as FWH to drop some people entrenched in WKA that were more obnoxious than the reputation they wanted.

At this time Saxxon, Striker and a couple others played with Deathon casually. Deathon sported the new flag soon after and some of his relatives played with us, and after a few more games invited him to play a game with Fishbownz, Foistie and himself. Deathon later extended an invitation to Saxxon to join the group. Along the way several of Sax's friends (who had gamed together at their "Nerdfest" for years already) came to associate and eventually join with FWH; Striker, Sphinx, Eldorado, Louie, Mr Slik, Hunted One and we met new friends in Maddog, Maibock, Jethro, Kingrat, Richard etc. As we moved to ROR, we met Ares, Techumseh, Enforcer, Wolfpack, Jaheed, Sidekick, Matrix, Cheetah, Lady Zelda, Frodo, Trez and later in and after the Age of Kings beta, Lord Eric, Skee, Odin, Daemlon.

These are but some of the names of people that have shared in our battles over the last few years. Over time some have gone their own ways, and at times some upheaval and reorganization as time goes on. After AOK the bulk of the clan moved on to playing Asheron's Call, which several members got into beta testing after our strong presence in the AOK beta. Over time all the active members were pretty much full time into AC, and we met many new friends there. Lasker, Cordlain, Barac, Aspin, Syrus, JZ, Njal, Arch, Gia, Gin-Gin, Garon, Talia and more joined us in the spring of 2000. Later in the year, Bikkshu, Ashkari, Max the Swordsman, Waylon, Xelex, Stroh, Mossad, Silverwolfe, Zephon, Pretender, Ivan, Zahari, Thunderkiss, went through our membership program at the time and became full members at the end of the year. A few more have been added early in �01 as well. And it has not been without its growing pains.

The clan started with the idea of playing and having fun, A group of players that we felt we could trust to guard our backs in battle, our reputation and dignity in their acts. They conducted themselves in a mature manner, playing well in the game, but not conceited about winning nor bitter in defeat. Every game ended with "good game," we respected our opponents and they respected us. We did put it to people that were idiots, those we couldn't respect due to their lack of character; there was always the handy 'boot' button. We have never tolerated cheaters, flooders, abusive players, flakes etc. They are our antithesis. As this carried into RPG games, added to that list of prohibited conduct is liars, thieves (OOC con artists, if there is a game skill that lets you steal, then it's a game feature), grief and greedy players. This forum has made things more complex and we try to adapt our rules to govern fair play, and allow the game to be played as intended.

This clans basic principles are honor and team work in our games. We call ourselves a family of sorts. Many of us are friends in RL, or in the course of our games, become good friends and have met in our travels. We share some good times gaming and have started to even have a yearly trip where some of us get together for vacation of sports and games. For many of us these friendships will endure for years.

Clan versus Guild - What's it all mean?

FWH was first formed back in the days of AOE. There was a group of guys that logged into the zone and would search for games and battle it out with each other. After a while they found that each time that they logged on they would check to see if the other was on for a good game. The group formed because they all held the same ideals, had become friends during their epic battles, they respected each other and didn't believe in using cheats or exploits.

So FWH was formed. They became pretty well known in the AOE/ROR world as a group of people who would give you a decent and fair fight to the finish.

Through the years the games changed and some members left and others were added. FWH moved from AOE to ROR to AOK and then a few straggled over to AC. A few others played 10-six for awhile.

Once in AC, FWH found many new friends and we formed an allegiance with our original clan members. New friends joined alongside us in our travels through Dereth as members of our HG & DT guilds.

Some of our newly found guild members showed interest in becoming a part of the FWH Clan and asked to travel with us to other games. So new members were added and the Clan started growing.

We are now on the brink of entering a new game world, Dark Age of Camelot. We have brought some friends over from HG & DT that are interested in seeing what this new world of Hibernia has to offer. They are planning on fighting alongside us as our Guildmates and help us to drive back the barbarian hordes of Midgard and the heathen armies of Albion.

So what was the reason for all this gobbledy-gook about?

I'm trying to point out the difference between our the FWH Clan members and the FWH Guild Members. The FWH Clan is our group of buds that travels with us through all these different games. Our guild members are our friends that have decided to fight alongside us in the current games that FWH is participating in.

If a guild member is interested in becoming a member of the clan then they should talk to a current clan member. Get to know them and find out if the clan member is interested in sponsoring them for membership. Our clan is always growing and looking for great people to join us. If you check out the website you'll find out some more history about the clan, some clan member guidelines, and what exactly the membership process entails.

I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions there may be concerning FWH Clan members and FWH Guild members.

FWH Cordlain

Posted : 20/11/2004 5:43 pm
Posts: 345

This sorely needs updating, and we'll do so as soon as we can. Sorting out the lists of members and time frames is pretty difficult.

Posted : 21/11/2004 6:07 am
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Appears to have been written early on in DAoC, I believe I recall the writing of that, I may have contributed some of the history part as it seems familiar.

What is left out of the history is DAOC, AC2, SB, SWG, HZ, EQ2 & WoW. Also mention of our friends in HoS, which started officially in AC1-DT. I also knew some of the HoS members (who I think are part of the ones that split off and formed The Predators) from back playing Close Combat 2 & 3 on MS Gaming Zone - Jojji, Stahler & a couple others, back before AC came out though the HoS-FWH connection wasn't part of that, just that when we got tokonw each other we discovered that common thread. Actually met Stahler (Juno) at the E3 expo in LA one year (we were trying to beat some sense into Keith Zabalouie's head about the direction he drove Close Combat series into the ground by making some changes to its customizability functions).

Posted : 01/01/2005 9:17 pm
Posts: 345

I don't think we need to mention HoS in the FWH Clan History.

Posted : 02/01/2005 6:50 am
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

They are long time allies of ours in several games. I think that is a significant fact worth mentioning. Remember that at some point in a game where we are we wind up explaining that to new members in the game guild. Being able to get that fact by reading stuff that they should read to know us better forestalls some of the repeated questions.

Posted : 02/01/2005 1:45 pm
FWH Hunted One
Posts: 29

I agree and disagree but my disagreement has a more prevalent stand.

... I wont embelish much at all ...

Agree: HoS should be included within our history as they are obviously a part of our history. They are our allies written, and globally acknowledged by all FWH. As far as I have seen they have been very honorable and helpfull in our efforts and tasks in the games. My dealings with them have so far been primarily within the WoW environment, a little in Horizons if my memory serves. But, none the less, we played and fought well with them on numerous occasions and vise versa. There are many of us in FWH that have stories and tales of battle or tears that include the HoS group. I believe it would be a proud addition to the FWH History.

BUT ...

Disagree: (No Offence Intended) HoS is another clan. They do not intend on being FWH and we will not be HoS. This is our story. We have much to be proud of and so do they. Adding a sole ally to the history may breed questions of merging the clans or misleading of thoughts of where we acually came from. More than likely an outsider was invited to view our site by a friend in person or by someone who helped, or was helped to accomplish a game goal. He or She will visit our site and we want them to read our history to learn of our beginnings and what brought us to today. Then they should be able to experience the present with FWH and view how far FWH has come over the years. We got here on our own. No other clan made us better or worse. We became FWH and we still ARE FWH all by ourselves.

My Best Disagreement Reason: Many Clans have played with us, some like us and some don't. Not all our members have met all the clans that have Allied with us. I most certainly do not want some clans to not like us anymore because we did not include them in our history. It would be like saying they didnt help us as much as those other guys did.

Suggestion: With respect, include "other Clans" as generically as possible. Dont mention names just tell the story.

Your honorable friend,


FWH Hunted One, Chasseur, and Shrayla

Posted : 03/01/2005 7:32 am
FWH Porchie
Posts: 76

The clan started with 3 partners who played together nightly, foistie, deathon & big loser *aka* porchmonkey. After being severely disappointed in the behavior of other "young" WKA members, they split from the group and formed the FWH, which deathon named. & wow was it really '97?? seems like eons ago. anyway, the rest is history. players were selected not only for gaming skills, but especially for the respect shown towards teammates & opponents. wanted to put my 2 cents in.

btw, if anyone would know how to contact deathon & his family, I would greatly appreciate them passing on the email address to me. seems that i lost it in the course of years passing by.

& I am so thrilled to be back in the FWH again. thank you for having me & what an honor that you are all still around.

Posted : 04/01/2005 4:28 pm
FWH Waylon
Posts: 702

Mike is playing on the Horde side on the Gorefiend server. I can probably get ahold of him on the old Microsoft Core Beta newsgroup. Is there an email or something that you want me to try to pass on to him?

Posted : 05/01/2005 8:35 am
Posts: 334

*does the MS Core Groupie Salute and Super Secret Handshake*

I think the first game I ever played with an FWH member was AOK beta. I was "Pale_Tiger" on the Zone back then. I sucked at AOK, but laughed my head off.

We didn't get hooked on FWH until AC1 (I think it was the end of first year of retail) when we met some weirdo named Sphinx out by Fort Teth. I was in a dark alley and he asked me if I wanted some candy...

No, really...He recognized me and Ivan from an earlier encounter near Baishi. We were on our own after having left a drama-laden guild. We were a bit wary of joining another, but FWH turned out to be the best one we could have joined. Never looked back and still glad to be here.

Posted : 05/01/2005 10:43 am
fwh barac
Posts: 80

Would not consider gaming with anyone else. I did some time on DT with OTHER clans and it just wasnt even close.

Posted : 05/01/2005 8:22 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

although i left FWH in 2002 i still wear the badge proudly and consider it my first home i have missed you guys but wanted to try my wings hello to all my friends in the family

Posted : 06/01/2005 6:39 am
Posts: 2050

I joined FWH in 1997 while I was playing Age of Empires then Age of Kings, but school and life did not allow me the time to play AC. Then there is Star Wars Galaxies which is a story to itself

Posted : 06/01/2005 10:41 am
Posts: 44


Everytime I try to visit this site, my password doesn't work. I had to reregister today. I stumbled across this again and had to show someone. I was surprised to see something mentioning "Deathy" on some board somewhere. I see Saxxon is still around and some others.

I don't want anyone to get too excited, no I am not coming back to resume my position as "the best player ever" (*wink*). But I did want to say hi once again to my long lost friends here AND....

To give a quick update (btw... has FWH_maddog been around lately?)

.... I'm sorry to get off topic. Anyhow... Things are going EXTREMELY well for me. And that is probably the understatement of the year, even though life has been rough. I actually started my own... well... "college" and I have 4 campuses across the northwest, with more coming. That includes Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington. At these locations I have many, many computers in my labs and hi-speed connections on all of them. I was wondering if there would be any way I could sponsor some kind of gaming event for the clan. I could host at least 20 or 30 people simultaneously (for FREE of course) and probably in multiple cities. Anyway, if anyone is interested... respond. I hope to hear from the leadership. Anyone up for RoR??? 🙂

Posted : 24/02/2005 10:58 am
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Sounds like you been doig good (posted on other thread first). Haven't played RoR in a long time, mostly play AoK when playing that series anymore.

Most of us are playing MMOG games, some in SWG, a few still in AC and most of us in WoW.

Quite a business venture you have going there, what does your college teach? I have been trying to get a venture going to produce a MMOG myself. Big obstacle for me is I am not the business major type, I am more of an engineer/designer.

Posted : 24/02/2005 11:18 am
Posts: 44

I started out teaching Security (300 hour program). I have about 500 hours of that now, plus dispatcher training through 911 (about 400 hours) and since everything worked out so well, I went right for the lucrative stuff... office/clerical type training and computer training. We will be starting a business program as well soon. I have about 450 hours of computer training classes that we have available. Plus, I have a security company and an investigations company. Our next business is real-estate and income properties. Things are moving very, VERY fast.

can you talk?


P.S. where you at now?

Posted : 24/02/2005 11:34 am
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