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[Sticky] FWH History

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Sure I can talk. I posted and logged into game, so didn't get this till the next day (well being I work nights & days, next day was actually about 27 hours later).

You can call me at (720) 934-9395 or email [email protected]

I am usually sleeping sunup to afternoon unless I work that day on dayshift. I work for Xcel Energy in Denver now, wouldn't call it lucrative, but it pays the bills and then some.

Posted : 25/02/2005 5:54 pm
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

I could probably help out a little with writing a segment for the DAoC period of FWH. Once I'm done with finals this week I should have some free time. I could also write about the time we spent in SB, short as it was. I still have nightmares about that game. A lot of FWH members who never were involved with DAoC never realized just how big a clan we were and how much influence we had throughout the server. It's definately an important part of the clan's history.

As for including HoS in our history, I'm not so sure that's a good idea. That could almost be included as a seperate section that talks about some of our close allies. I remember it caused us problems in the past when we had too close a relationship with our closest ally. It was obvious when we played under the same flag as HoS in shadowbane that the guilds were better being apart. Although at the time most of us, myself included, felt we should all be under 1 flag.


Posted : 30/04/2005 10:59 am
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Aye, that was a lesson learned type thing, but we did survive it and get past it.

And certainly most don't know the whole DAoC story and the influential role we played thrut he first year & a half save for about 8-10 of us that were there. Shame that game could be so fun and at the same time so frustrating.

Posted : 01/05/2005 10:46 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

To this day that's still, by far, my favorite game of all time. My brother still plays it a lot and he's really enjoyed the expansions they've come out with. When I got to college I just didn't have the time anymore and just about everyone who I used to know in game retired or moved onto other things. I'll try to recap a lot of what happened in that game at some point. I only have 3 more finals and 1 more paper and then I'm out of here for the summer.


Posted : 02/05/2005 1:18 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

I am going to work on this at some point over the next week if anyone is still interested. Saxx I may need your help with a few of the names but I think I should be able to piece together most of FWH's history on Morgan Le Fay in DAoC and I'll be able to put together a sentence or 2 for our time not so well spent in SB.

Posted : 12/07/2005 9:59 am
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Yeah no problem, run it by me and I will add what I can.

Posted : 13/07/2005 2:20 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

Ok here's a start to this thing. I put it off for what, 8 months now? haha. Anyway this is beyond primitive and I'll need lots of help. Especially with members names. Another question was how did FWH come into control of the major hibernian alliance? I can take a lot of the history from there, especially once the R3Z alliance started up. But names and specific events are definately eluding me right now.

Here it is so far...

"In the world of Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) FWH found its permanent home on the server of Morgan Le Fay (MLF). Only the second Hibernian guild to be established on the entire server just minutes after the guild “DROW” had registered beforehand. In the early months an alliance was formed with long-time friend and ally clan “House of Sagacious” (HoS). This alliance was headed by HoS and along with FWH were the guilds “Stonecutters”, “Mithril Web” and NAME MORE GUILDS HERE. The MLF Hibernians (Hibs) were extremely ineffective within the first few months of the game’s release. Some of this had to do with serious in-game imbalances that were later addressed while other parts of it had very much to do with the lack of cooperation, communication and strategy by the Hibs. Midgard and Albion were the stronger sides for most of the early stages of the game. Midgard did exceptionally well in the early times usually taking most keeps in other’s territory and eventually capturing the majority of the relics.

FWH was a very large clan, especially in the earlier times. Successful recruiting had enlisted some of the best and brightest players on the server. Players like Durac, Alveoli, Saxxon, Coadey, Fallan, Chantal (I’m blanking on all types of names, I’m sorry throw them in at will.) also…(what was the name of the nightshade who left for empire but was very good in the early times, and not named durac?) and dare I include my own name Barrin as well. 🙂 When The Camelot Herald was finally released it exposed the fact that FWH was the largest clan in the entire game and 6th overall in the RP rankings. (anyone else remember these numbers?) The two major Hibernian alliances, the HoS alliance and DROW alliance, still remained very much apart when coordinating realm defense. Frustration throughout the realm was heavy as the argument balance between leveling and realm defense became more and more controversial. There were extremists on both sides who got into large fights in some of the bigger realm chat channels. This internal unrest led to many people leaving the game and the struggles did not escape FWH. Tension was extremely high with members of the clan and it was a near nightly occurrence to see fights break out over guild chat and to see people leave the clan in frustration. It was out of this tension that Hibernia realized the attitude had to change. The HoS alliance reformatted under the DROW alliance and communication was heavily improved.

It was also around this time that many members of established guilds broke off and created the guild “Empire.” The creation of this guild started to turn around Hibernia’s fortunes in realm vs. realm battles as there was now a full guild dedicated to defending the frontier along with the rest of the DROW alliance."

Posted : 06/03/2006 1:22 pm
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

Here I am again Sax. I'll pop in for a sec and disappear for another year probably, but I'd really like to get back in with the clan at some point and start gaming a little. I'm responding to this one, because I got notified via e-mail. What are we playing and how could I help? I'm lost of course.


P.S. I'm semi-retired in about 2 months, so I will have time for gaming again.

Posted : 06/03/2006 7:52 pm
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

D&DO just came out, a few people are playing that one, I'll probably buy it and pop in though probably staying in WoW long term.

Most people are playing WoW (World of Warcraft). Most of FWH is on Stonemaul Alliance, myself & a half dozen or so others from FWH clan/guild remained on Illidan Alliance and play in House of Sagacious (HoS).

We have/had a large SWG presence, but SOE apparently continues to piss off their clients and there was a large exodus from the game into WoW within the last few months.

A few people played Guild Wars, not sure whats going on there atm, I intended to get it and try it, never did, when I went to buy it, they were always sold out.


Barrin, I have the name of thta NS rolling around in my mind but keeps eluding me also. I know Chantal's son had a NS that also went to Empire, Stabingu or something similar, but yeha there was another that was originally form our house and I can't get the name up either, he & Durac had a long competition for best NS in Hib. Starting the game we had several people also form Empyrean Overlords in our guild, friends from another monarchy in AC-HG (Overlord did roll a nightshade later, and was in Empire for a while). Notably also, we had roughly 40 people in the clan start that game to try it. 20 quit by the end of the first month, 10 more by the end of the second month - almost all due to the XP penalty on death and forced grouping which made casual players advancement painfully slow and even negative.

On members, Porthos (Fallan's husband, known as Kronos on the boards), Rian (last man standing too), Synelf, Siaxsa, Xoa (left game & later returned after NF expansion as Dreamless, NS), Aravan, Louie, Andarta, Sosa, Steppingwolf, Talamas, Zordon, Aerichidle (like Bluex & Siaxsa eventually left due to inability to get along with others). I can't get the name atm, the guy who played a Champion who was based in Hawaii was a long time member from early days. There are a few others that were significant contributors that I am forgetting here as well.

The alliance story, first we were HoS alliance with 4-5 guilds, we merged into DROW alliance with the bulk of the US guilds prominent at the time. Hawkien had a brain seizure & pissed everyone off, DROW essentially disbanded so the alliance was reformed this time with FWH as the leader (we were at the time the biggest guild on the server, and HoS was somewhat setback with their issues from the split with The Cabal members who had started the game under them). FWH alliance dominated the RvR response for around 8 months (over a year if you count the time as DROW alliance - ALL the guilds were the same save DROW's absence). Then Empire split off & formed with R3Z and the TRU alliance became the dominant RvR force. That was around the time when radar hacks were quite prominent and a lot of people were shunning the fronteirs other than raids or defense. At that point FWh was a "militia" guild, we didn't RvR much as a group regularly, we did however turn out for raids and defense against raids reliably. The FWH alliance whithered down as people quit the game, guilds reformed or joined the dominant alliance. This coincided with the release of Shadowbane and Star Wars Galaxies, I left the game because of Mythic's bungling of balance issues, when I returned FWH was pretty much in an alliance with 8-10 ghost guilds and those of us still playing at that point did what we do in WoW - create alts. I had 12 levle 50s at the end, and had leveled 14 (Gia's bard, Another warden began with an X that I can't recall the whole name, he left the game when he joined the navy and left the account to the guild).

ToA came along and was really a preview of the kind of gear & grind that WoW has as its end game. Notably, it was hated by a majority of players and shrank DAoC subs by a large margin. They detuned a lot of stuff, and later after I had left a couple years ago they made the "classic" servers which removed that expansion from the game.

Posted : 07/03/2006 11:07 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

"I can't get the name atm, the guy who played a Champion who was based in Hawaii was a long time member from early days."

Vivarakus. Doubt that's exactly how its spelt but that was him. He was determined for so long to prove shield champs could work solo in pvp. And as for that NS this is going to drive me insane. He was such a well known player and a good guy. I think the name was something short but I really cant remember at all right now. Cyn, Eeeek and he all had some funny battle stories from the early days between the 3 of them.

I can't believe I forgot The Cabal. The arguments between HoS and some of The Cabal were just epic. I had people I liked and respected on both sides so I remember tensions being very high in the early months. It's weird to think back to those days and remember how big a deal Innis was for about the first 6 months. Really before they added Darkness Falls that was the only alternative to the fins.

All those names you mentioned flooded so many memories back into my head. I'm going to try to jot down some notes here about each player so if you weren't in DAoC you can ignore the rest of the post as I start to think out loud.

Fallan and Porthos - I actually met Fallan and Porthos in RL before. Both really incredible people. Fallan was an excellent RvR bard and for a time the two of us worked hard on getting more people to come out and RvR as a guild. We had some great nights and we had some bad nights but it was always fun. It was too bad that Porthos got down on RvR after the ranger nerfs happened because he was a great player and a great friend.

Rian - I have to get all the credit in the world to him. He was the last man out the door and from what I understand he has continued to keep a character in the guild in an effort to ensure the guild will always have a tie to it's past. Rian was another great guy to game with and its too bad that everyone else left before he got tired of the game.

Synelf - I'll never forget one of the first days I was an officer with the guild he went on an alt and started to pick a fight with me. It's good to see him around still from time to time and he was my informant from the PvP servers for a while. It's amazing how fast that concept died. I don't know if those servers even exist anymore since last I checked Mythic was packaging together servers in an effort to keep the game populated.

Siaxsa - Well no one can ever deny her passion. I considered Sia to be a good friend for the first few months of the game but that all changed when she started to RvR. It was almost like she had lost her mind and too often I found myself on the receiving end of her tirades. It's too bad because deep down I think she is a good person but after the first few months I never saw that side of her again. I would have to say most in the guild were relieved when she was gone.

Xoa - Great guy who I remember left for a time. Was he also Ooz? In either case I remember he being a very friendly player and someone who was easy to talk to even when I was just a newbie and he was already in his 40s. If this was also Ooz then I had a lot of fun talking with him when he came back and I was a member of Order of Zanshin (OoZ) and we felt we had to make him an honorary member with a name like that.

Aravan - Still great to see around the board and hopefully someone I'll get to play with again in the fitire. I give a lot of credit to anyone who tried to stick through the Ranger nerfs. It's definately tough to go through those types of changes to your class. Next time you get to be the cheap class.

Louie - Another guy I can't believe I couldn't think of off the top of my head. One of the better fellow-Heroes I ever met in the game. Is he still around at all?

Andarta - Again, just an incredible person. Very good druid to have in a tight spot and someone you could always depend on to give you a hand with anything.

Sosa - One of the best friends I ever had in DAoC. I wish I knew how to still get in touch with him. I remember the day he joined and I give him so much credit for his english abilities despite it being a second language. I think he was the first person to show Mentalists could work in RvR. Before he started to RvR I don't think there were more then 2-3 names above 100k RPs in the Mentalist category.

SteppingWolf - I don't think I ever knew him very well. Wasn't he the guy who spent most of his time finding ways to jump on top of buildings and all around the capital?

Well It's 3:30 in the morning and I should probably head to sleep. I hope to get some time tomorrow when I can put together some random thoughts on these people and maybe get somewhat of a story done.

Posted : 07/03/2006 5:31 pm
Posts: 2

I am pretty sure the NS you are thinking of is Seif Vicious.

Sax, the correct name was Stabbie Youintheback.

Another NS was Pel, though I dont think he was as high profile as the others as far as server wide popularity.

FWH did its share of leveling some quality NS's. I believe 3 of them are still in the top 25 on the server cluster.

Also, to add some more names if I may. Cant forget Aristus and Desicrator, Andris, Khmer and Lawler. All unmentioned key players in making FWH what is was on MLF, at one time or another. I am still proud to say that I was in FWH on MLF, even after the more recent events.

Sounds like you guys might need a little help remembering, lemme know if you need anything else 🙂

Miss you guys alot,

Later on

Posted : 07/03/2006 8:01 pm
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

Hey Dark, good to see you around still. As you can tell I'm not very good with names, especially a few years after the fact. Seif is not the NS I was thinking of but he was another good one. I think Pel is still around, can't remeber the last time I got to talk to him though.

I still remember how we were the power NS guild for a while at the start, hehe.

I remember Ari and Desi well. I wish things had ended differently with them but I was involved in a lot of that situation and I don't think they completely understood the guild's structure. Keep the names coming if anyone can think of some others.

Posted : 08/03/2006 6:51 am
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Oro is the NS you are thinking of, came to me first thing this morning. And Ixa was the Warden I completed leveling to 60, he hung out with Merlina & Alveoli when he played. Hierophantkiller, he wasn't someone who played regularly, but was around for a long time, and still around when I last played. Krugthon was another latter day player. Regent (our other early 50 mentalist). There are a couple of players that played Eldritches I am forgetting atm. One's name started with And---- something that we at first thought was Andarta rolling an alt, but he was from Australia. Speaking of which, who was the guy from NZ that used to play a lot there also?

Another great one was the big Phoenix Guard vs HoS/FWH fight that broke out over Sepria's response to some issues on the boards (and I excluded PG members form our groups for it, and got banned on VN for kicking people from groups in game... talk about overstepping one's sphere of influence). Over time Sepria & I became good friends, and a few of the former PG were latter in FWH.

Ooz was Xoa, though I think someone else played him later on in the Zanshin days (maybe not, but if I recall Xoa had traded his DAoC account for an AC account and gone back to play there). Siaxsa did eventually mellow out around 3 years into the game, its too bad because she'd burned so many bridges and was really a nice woman.

No doubt Rian has high contention for MVP in DAoC, though I can't detract anything from the efforts Alveoli made while he played (he preceded me out of DAoC by a few months to play FFXI). Those 2 hold the tops for making the guild there a sucess taken in effort over time. We all had our moments of contribution, but they were solid pillars in keeping it going for a long time. Synelf (Darkmood) also deserves credit there, while he took a vaction a coupel times like myself, he was one of the steady loyalists that kept a core going far longer than most played.

Some of the most fun I've had in online gaming is owed to the people of FWH DAoC, the battles we had were epic and like no other game I've played.

Posted : 08/03/2006 12:30 pm
Posts: 61

Hey thanks for the kind words Barrin. As yes my druid is still in the guild keeping it around.

You also forgot to mention the great hero Cardori, who was kind enough to donate his house to me when he left.


Posted : 14/03/2006 11:49 pm
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Hey Rian hows it gong?

Cardori is Louie, he's mentioned above.

Posted : 15/03/2006 1:33 pm
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