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[Sticky] FWH History

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Posts: 61

Oh hey, duh, not sure how I forgot that. Its going good. Been playing a bunch of Battle for Middle Earth 2 lately. Gotta get my RTS fix in. Still the occasionally DAOC raid though, but most of WGW moved to the classic server so the guild is pretty empty.


Posted : 16/03/2006 5:02 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

"The Beginning: In the world of Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) FWH found its permanent home on the server of Morgan Le Fay (MLF). Only the second Hibernian guild to be established on the entire server just minutes after the guild “DROW” had registered beforehand. In the early months an alliance was formed with long-time friend and ally clan “House of Sagacious” (HoS).

FWH's Alliance History: To begin the game we started in the HoS alliance. This alliance was headed by HoS and along with FWH were the guilds “Stonecutters”, “Mithril Web” and others. The MLF Hibernians (Hibs) were extremely ineffective within the first few months of the game’s release. Some of this had to do with serious in-game imbalances that were later addressed while other parts of it had very much to do with the lack of cooperation, communication and strategy by the Hibs. Midgard and Albion were the stronger sides for most of the early stages of the game. Midgard did exceptionally well in the early times usually taking most keeps in other’s territory and eventually capturing the majority of the relics. The two major Hibernian alliances, the HoS alliance and DROW alliance, still remained very much apart when coordinating realm defense. Frustration throughout the realm was heavy as the argument and balance between leveling and realm defense became more and more controversial. There were extremists on both sides who got into large fights in some of the bigger realm chat channels. This internal unrest led to many people leaving the game and the struggles did not escape FWH. Tension was extremely high with members of the clan and it was a near nightly occurrence to see fights break out over guild chat and to see people leave the clan in frustration. It was out of this tension that Hibernia realized the attitude had to change.

The HoS alliance reformatted under the DROW alliance and communication was heavily improved. FWH merged into DROW alliance with the bulk of the US guilds prominent at the time. Hawkien, the leader of DROW, eventually alienated most of the realm and DROW essentially disbanded so the alliance was reformed this time with FWH as the leader of the major Hib alliance. At this time FWH was the biggest guild on the server, and HoS was somewhat setback with their issues from the split with The Cabal members who had started the game under them. The FWH alliance dominated the RvR response for around 8 months (over a year if you count the time as DROW alliance - ALL the guilds were the same except for DROW's absence). Then Empire split off & formed with R3Z and the TRU alliance became the dominant RvR force. That was around the time when radar hacks were quite prominent and a lot of people were shunning the fronteirs other than raids or defense. At that point FWH was a "militia" guild, and didn't RvR much as a group regularly, we did however turn out for raids and defense against raids reliably. The FWH alliance whithered down as people quit the game, guilds reformed or joined the dominant alliance. This coincided with the release of Shadowbane and Star Wars Galaxies. Many left the game because of balance issues and when most members returned from the mistake that was Shadowbane the guild was never the same. At this time FWH was pretty much in an alliance with 8-10 ghost guilds. Most consistent members at this time were focusing on leveling alts and some of the more RvR oriented players, myself included, left for guilds in the TRU alliance that were designed for RvR.

Saxxon and those still playing at that point started to create alts. Saxxon had 12 level 50s at the end, and had leveled 14 counting Gia's Bard and another Warden.

Key Members: FWH was a very large clan, especially in the earlier times. Successful recruiting had enlisted some of the best and brightest players on the server. Players like Durac, Alveoli, Saxxon, Coadey, Fallan, Porthos, Chantal, Oro, Synelf, Xoa, Aravan, Louie, Andarta, Sosa, Steppingwolf, Talamas, Zordon, Vivaraukus, Rian, Meeks and dare I include my own name, Barrin, as well. When The Camelot Herald was finally released it exposed the fact that FWH was the largest clan in the entire game and 6th overall in the RP rankings. The membership and influence that FWH had at one time on MLF was simply outstanding. Despite being a prominent guild FWH managed to avoid the constant cross-guild fights that plagued the server's early guilds."

That's what I have for now. More to come later. Please point out any and all errors.

Posted : 17/03/2006 4:49 am
Posts: 61

Might wanna add Desicrator and her husband, (forgot his name think it started with an A) but I remember they were around from the beginning, they helped me get Rian to 50 hunting Banshees in The bog of Cullen.


Posted : 17/03/2006 7:48 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

"The Beginning: In the world of Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) FWH found its permanent home on the server of Morgan Le Fay (MLF). Only the second Hibernian guild to be established on the entire server just minutes after the guild “DROW” had registered beforehand. In the early months an alliance was formed with long-time friend and ally clan “House of Sagacious” (HoS). At the start of the game many FWH members from AC also came over to give the game a try but many left inside of the first three months...

FWH's Alliance History: To begin the game we in the HoS alliance. This alliance was headed by HoS and along with FWH were the guilds “Stonecutters”, “Mithril Web” and others. The MLF Hibernians (Hibs) were extremely ineffective within the first few months of the game’s release. Some of this had to do with serious in-game imbalances that were later addressed while other parts of it had very much to do with the lack of cooperation, communication and strategy by the Hibs. Midgard and Albion were the stronger sides for most of the early stages of the game. Midgard did exceptionally well in the early times usually taking most keeps in other’s territory and eventually capturing the majority of the relics.

The two major Hibernian alliances, the HoS alliance and DROW alliance, still remained very much apart when coordinating realm defense. Frustration throughout the realm was heavy as the argument and balance between leveling and realm defense became more and more controversial. There were extremists on both sides who got into large fights in some of the bigger realm chat channels. This internal unrest led to many people leaving the game and the struggles did not escape FWH. Tension was extremely high with members of the guild and it was a near nightly occurrence to see fights break out over guild chat and to see people leave the clan in frustration. It was out of this tension that Hibernia realized the attitude had to change.

The HoS alliance reformatted under the DROW alliance and communication was heavily improved. FWH merged into the DROW alliance with the bulk of the USA guilds prominent at the time. Hawkien, the leader of DROW, eventually alienated most of the realm and DROW essentially disbanded so the alliance was reformed this time with FWH as the leader of the major Hib alliance. At this time FWH was the biggest guild on the server, and HoS was somewhat setback with their issues from the split with The Cabal members who had started the game under them.

The FWH alliance dominated the RvR response for around 8 months (over a year if you count the time as DROW alliance - ALL the guilds were the same except for DROW's absence). Then, Empire split off & formed with R3Z and the TRU alliance became the dominant RvR force. That was around the time when radar hacks were quite prominent and a lot of people were shunning the fronteirs other than raids or defense. At that point FWH was a "militia" guild, and didn't RvR regularly as a group, we did however turn out for raids and defense against raids reliably.

The FWH alliance whithered down as people quit the game, guilds reformed or joined the dominant alliance. This coincided with the release of Shadowbane and Star Wars Galaxies. Many left the game because of balance issues and when most members returned from the mistake that was Shadowbane the guild was never the same. At this time FWH was pretty much in an alliance with 8-10 ghost guilds. Most consistent members at this time were focusing on leveling alts and some of the more RvR oriented players, myself included, left for guilds in the TRU alliance that were designed for RvR.

Saxxon and those still playing at that point started to create alts. Saxxon had 12 level 50s at the end, and had leveled 14 counting Gia's Bard and another Warden.

Key Members: FWH was a very large clan, especially in the earlier times. Successful recruiting had enlisted some of the best and brightest players on the server. Players like Durac, Alveoli, Saxxon, Coadey, Junior, Fallan, Porthos, Chantal, Oro, Synelf, Amazing, Xoa, Aravan, Louie, Andarta, Sosa, Steppingwolf, Talamas, Zordon, Vivaraukus, Rian, Meeks, Noelani, Starfyre, Max, Pel, Zhantse and dare I include my own name, Barrin, as well. When The Camelot Herald was finally released it exposed the fact that FWH was the largest clan in the entire game and 6th overall in the RP rankings. The membership and influence that FWH had at one time on MLF was simply outstanding. Despite being a prominent guild FWH managed to avoid the constant cross-guild fights that plagued the server's early guilds. Most notable of guild conflict might have been the arguments between House of Sagacious and The Cabal.

Quick Bio's from a modest observer:

Durac: Last I had seen Durac is still playing and still leading Empire as one of the main forces in Hibernia. Durac was a player that most of us in the guild would not have predicted to go on as a leader of the realm but his leadership in the future led the realm to some of it's greatest victories. His time spent in FWH was for the early part of the game before the establishment of Empire.

Alveoli: The first player on the entire server to get a Nightshade to 50. At a time when nightshades were shunned from groups FWH managed to get many of these characters into groups and help them quickly get to the max level. Alveoli was a member throughout his time in the game and he was consistantly one of the best stealthers in the game.

Saxxon: The leader of the pack from early on to the finish. Took over with Maddog for Cordlain after he left the game. He helped almost everyone in the clan level up to 50 at some point. Constantly able to help resolve issues within the guild and a great defender of all loyal members to the clan. He stuck by me during issues with people inside and outside the guild and was a good source of knowledge for everyone in the guild. His constant leadership was something everyone in the guild could count on everyday.

Coadey: Spending most of his time breaking into Albion Coadey was a strict RvRer and he will forever be remembered on Morgan Le Fay as the Druid who always showed up somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. A good player and a very nice guy he made a video upon retirement thanking most of us, myself included, for all the great times he had in DAoC.

Junior: One of the best Heroes I have ever played with. Was a member of the consistent RvR group FWH had for a time. With both of us making a perfect tank tag team FWH's RvR group was a solid 8 man crew. A great team player and a helpful hand for those in need.

Fallan and Porthos: This wife and husband team was about as friendly a team as you could find. Fallan was another consistant member of the FWH RvR crew as our consistent Bard and Porthos was one of the top Rangers in the game for a long time. I met both of them in person while in Utah and they are very kind people. We talked for hours until the worst pizza place I had ever been made us leave, lol.

Chantal: Another great Druid for the guild Chantal was like a "mother" figure for the guild. She also could be found in RvR but she was a good leader, especially while most of us were off in Shadowbane, she kept FWH running.

Oro: Much like Durac, was only a member until the creation of Empire a couple months into the game. Constantly mistaken as a Ranger he was in fact a Nightshade who spent the majority of his time RvRing. He quit about a year into the game but many old school players still remember his name because of the great fights he had with Cyn and Eeeeeeek while they were attacking Hibs leaving Druim Ligen.

Synelf: I'll never forget one of the first days I was an officer with the guild he went on an alt and started to pick a fake fight with me. It's good to see him around still from time to time. One of the better Rangers in my opinion he was a good friend an good guildmate.

Amazing: A great guy and he was my informant from the PvP servers for a while. It's amazing how fast that concept died. I don't know if those servers even exist anymore since last I checked Mythic was packaging together servers in an effort to keep the game populated. It was great when Amazing came back to the regular servers. I helped him build his first Hero and then he helped convince me to change my spec from Spears to Large Weapons.

Xoa: Great guy who I remember left the game for a time. He was also known as Ooz. In either case I remember him being a very friendly player and someone who was easy to talk to even when I was just a newbie and he was already in his 40s. I'm not sure if he sold his account but in either case I had a lot of fun talking to the guy who was Ooz after two years in the game. When he came back and I was a member of Order of Zanshin (OoZ) and we felt we had to make him an honorary member with a name like that. He eventually returned under the name "Dreamless" and last any of us knew was still playing DAoC.

Aravan: Still great to see around the board and hopefully someday I'll get to play with you again in the future. I give a lot of credit to anyone who tried to stick through the Ranger nerfs. It's definately tough to go through those types of changes to your class. Next time you get to be the uber class.

Louie: One of the better Heroes in the game. He left FWH for a time, much like I did. I hope Louie is still around because he was a great guy and a knowledgeable player. I believe he started up a few alts around the time I left the game but I could be wrong about that.

Andarta: Again, just an incredible person. Very good druid to have in a tight spot and someone you could always depend on to give you a hand with anything.

Sosa: I still remember exactly where I was when he joined the guild. Little did we know we had found a gold mine with this recruit. Sosa was from the Netherlands but spoke excellent English and stuck through the game with us even when so many foreign guilds became so popular. I considered him to be one of my best friends in any game I ever played. He was another member of the consistent FWH RvR crew and for most of the first year and a half in the game he was the best Mentalist out there. I still think he helped to make that class popular when people saw what he could do with it in combat. He was a great player and I hope he comes back to the board sometime and we all get another chance to play with him in another game.

Steppingwolf: He was a Druid who took pride in getting to impossible to reach places in the capital city. For hours on end he would try to jump to the top of buildings. Sadly I didn't know him well before he left the game.

Talamas: He was another good player and as I look back I can't believe all of the great players we had in FWH in DAoC. Tal was someone everyone knew they could count on in a group. He was also an excellent crafter and helped us get away from our dependecy on HoS crafting.

Zordon: Major crafter, I can't remember much more to say. Unfortunately it's been too long for me to remember eveything I should about everyone and give them they acclaim they deserve.

Vivaraukus: The Champion from Hawaii. He was one of the better Champions and he refused to abandon the shield and sword even when most Champions couldn't respec fast enough to Large Weapons. But the truth is he made it work and he was a good player in PvE and RvR.

Rian: I have to get all the credit in the world to him. He was the last man out the door and he has continued to keep a character in the guild in an effort to ensure the guild will always have a tie to it's past. Rian was another great guy to game with and its too bad that everyone else left before he got tired of the game. It's important that Rian carries the guild on, even on an alt, just in case some people return to the guild in the future and the guild can be revived. Or maybe even more important then that it's vital that FWH does not follow the way of DROW and fade out of control from those who started it.

Meeks: A great friend in RL for me. He had an issue with playing games so much that he would burn out quickly. I remember he would play DAoC, sometimes for 20 hours at a time, and he quickly got tired of the game. Meeks was much of the reason we both tried to switch to Iseult and run our own guild in Midgard. We named the guild "Reborn" and we hoped that the new challenge would keep both of us interested in the game. As it turned out he lost interest quickly and I desperately tried to run a successful guild on my own. He still feels bad about leaving me behind in that situation but I learned a lot about myself while running that guild and eventually I returned to Morgan Le Fay with FWH and convinced Meeks to get back into the game. We both hit 50 and then after a few months of RvR he burned out again. I took over the account for a long time until I lent the account to a friend and somehow he ended up selling the account. It's for this reason you won't find me writing anything positive on here about Lawler.

Noelani and Starfyre: A good bard and a good warden combo who were some of the first people I met when I joined FWH. Always willing to help out I remember leveling up out in the Bog and in some of the other common hunting areas down in the southern parts of Hibernia. Both of you are outstanding people and I look forward to hopefully playing with both of you in a future game.

Max: Also another person I became friends with early on in FWH. I was suprised to learn his age was around the same as my own. He did have that small army of alts while in DAoC. Max was also a huge help to me when I tried to get into WoW this past summer. Unfortunately that didn't work out for long but it certainly wasn't from a lack of help by either Max or by this next player...

Pel: Another one of the ranger crew. Pel was a good friend to have in DAoC and he helped me throughout my time in the game. Also another player who tried to help me out in WoW and showed me some of the better hunting and questing areas. I remember Pel started a few alts after a while and I'm sure at some point he will clarify exactly what his other characters were.

Zhantse: A.K.A. Rocalwski was the man who originally got me involved in FWH. Even before I was in the guild Roc helped me upgrade my armor and weapons and he helped me with tips on my Hero. Roc was part of the group that consistently PvEed with me into the early 40's. It was extremely tough to say good bye to him after he decided DAoC was not for him. Roc was the person who got my sponsorship to become a clan member started. He also tried to help me out when I picked up WoW but again that game never worked out for me.

Barrin: And finally myself. I sometimes have to remind myself that I was 16 when I started to play DAoC. I look back and while I'm proud of the way I carried myself in the game I still regret a lack of commitment on my part to staying with my Hero on Morgan Le Fay. I guess everything worked itself out in the long run and I still don't regret any of the time I spent in FWH or in OoZ. For as long as I have been in DAoC I have identified myself as a member of FWH. FWH is the reason I stuck the game out long enough to hit 50. It was through the friendships and family atmosphere that a young man like myself was able to log on every night to a place he could call home. FWH in DAoC was a connection that's hard to describe to some people, even other FWH members who did not participate in DAoC.

All of the people listed above are responsible in one fashion or another for not allowing me to give up on myself. All of you showed me incredible respect while going through my late teen years. The trust to make me an officer, part-GM, and eventually a full Clan member meant a lot to me. FWH was a place where I wasn't judged by my age but rather how I conducted myself and that helped make all the difference for me when I was younger. Thanks to all of you again and I'm glad this "history" of FWH in DAoC is now in writing on this board. The stories and memories of that time are worth remembering. If anyone has anything they want to add, let me know.

Posted : 10/04/2006 4:48 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

New History updated, check for errors above...

Posted : 12/04/2006 2:25 am
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Looks good man. Coupel additions if you care to.

Xoa returned and started a NS named Dreamless, and was still playing last I was in the game.

I actually wasn't guild leader at the outset, Cordlain was but he tired of the game by level 32 or so and I took over along with Maddog.

Zordon (major crafter), Talamas (another major crafter), Andarai, Sosa, Regent, Hierophant, Krugthon - some other guys that helped make up a portion of the guild for quite some time.

Posted : 12/04/2006 9:23 am
FWH Lopaka
Posts: 78

Sorry I didnt read the entire thread but just wanted to add a few names.

Pel, Darkraider (and the rest of the Max alt army), Roc, Starfyre, Myself (Mainly Noelani). I also remember one of the FWH members (female warden) but the name escapes me at the moment. She left whe Desi and Ari did in that fallout. FWH Garon (aka troutslayer), Secret, Pwcca. I know there are more I'm forgetting as well.

Posted : 12/04/2006 9:54 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

Hey thanks for the additions. Noel I actually thought about you and Star a little later this afternoon. It's really tough to remember everyone, even the ones I was closest too like you, Star, Roc, Pel and Max. I miss the old days. Edits will be made....

Ok made a few but I need more info on Regent, Hierophant, FWH Garon (aka troutslayer), Secret, Pwcca, Krugthon, and Maddog. I didn't write anything about Ari and Desi because there are different opinions on a few sides of that issue and they did not leave on the best of terms. Most of which was simple misunderstanding on their part.

Also please make any additions you guys might want to any players' areas. Although it's my observations it's been too many years now to remember all of it as some of my more obvious omissions should indicate.

Posted : 12/04/2006 1:41 pm
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Gates was the female warden you are thinking of, she came from AC with Overlord (also a warden) from the Empyrean Overlords monarchy on HG.

Posted : 12/04/2006 7:11 pm
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

Ah yeah I remember Gates and Overlord now.

Posted : 13/04/2006 12:43 pm
Posts: 61

Dreamless was one of the last standing members of FWH. It got to the point that only myself and him were on at occasions, he finally moved on, but I fail to remember what guild it was. On a side note Max was back for a long while playing his NS all day long in the Battle Ground, me and him used to have some great fun in Molvik and Leirvik with our NS's.


Posted : 13/04/2006 11:30 pm
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

Rian are you playing that large classic server right now? If so my brother is playing pretty regularly as "Deadly" a skald. I think he made 200k in RPs last week, says he's been having a lot of fun with the consistent 8v8 on that server.

Posted : 17/04/2006 4:46 am
Posts: 61

Nah I haven't logged on much lately. Ever since WGW mostly moved to the classic server. Thinking of moving Sling and Rian into Waylayers or another guild that plays more.


Posted : 18/04/2006 7:24 am
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

Sounded like a lot of people made the transition to the classic server. I think Mythic tried a little too hard to make the PvE into a EQ or WoW type of experience which just wasn't what most people playing DAoC were looking for. I heard rumors they will be providing voice communications for everyone in game soon. Not a bad idea if you ask me, especially since in RvR it's good to have anyway.

Posted : 18/04/2006 1:13 pm
Posts: 390
Reputable Member

Interesting that they are looking to do this. The challenge is two-fold. If its client-server based it can dramatically increase the bandwidth costs for the game, meaning it would eat profits or demand an increase on premium. If it is peer to peer you have the issue of the same people that hack & cheat, using that access to hack other people's PC's that aren't secured. I wonder what solution they have come up with.

As for ToA, it wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't such a farm fest to get the stuff in it. It was a pre-cursor to the WoW problem of BWL geared players vs the rest. Nerfing the items didn't quite solve it either.

Posted : 19/04/2006 7:47 am
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