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[Sticky] FWH History

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FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

It will be interesting to see if they follow through on it. It was just a rumor from my brother but he tends to stay up on these things so I don't doubt it will happen.

The way ToA has always sounded to me is exactly the way EQ always was. In some regards that was a cool thing because you felt a great sense of accomplishment when you finally got the item you had been looking for. But the reality is most people just don't have the type of time to sit on a camp like that. Back in high school I could have done that for hours but even now in college I usually have so much going on I couldn't imagine sinking 8-12 hours in a game every night like I used to.

Posted : 19/04/2006 11:52 pm
Posts: 61

There was a poll when you logged on asking what type of communication you wanted to see in the game. It was like voicechat, email, message boards, and I think irc.


Posted : 21/04/2006 7:43 am
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

Boy did i just get a trip down memory lane. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

As for my name it was two words Stepping Wolf. And I get a laugh out of
how I am remembered! I moved to alb guinevere and once hitting 50 with
no cohesion in RvR, I went a climbing. Mythic caught me sitting on top
of the library in Camelot. One of the tallest buildings. Got a major
scolding but set free after 5 minutes. changes were made to jumping
after that naughty moment. About a month later the game started
checking over your head before allowing you to jump up. Used to have
screen captures from every tall building in Camelot. Always ran from
one side of city to other and never touched the ground.

With Fight with Honor on morgan le fay. I came to DAoC from a text
based mud called Illusia. The guild Order of Elvar, the elven guild
hauled me along. Though I only play humans and celts. They left for NWN
and dumped me (yes dumped me) in a lame guild called Wolves of War. But
I am not bitter, for there I met a mighty tank and dear in-game friend
named Junior, who split for FwH and pestered me till i left WoW (not to
be confused with World of Warcraft). Once in FwH, I was hard grinding
in the finn groups. Still remember getting up saturday morning at 5 am
with 49.2 levels of exp and grinding almost non-stop (except for bio
breaks) till 1 am. sunday morning. Seeing people logging in who started
that group with me 21 hours earlier.

I ran alot with Junior and Sosa in RvR, but my favorite love was taking
a 5 man or more group into alb frontier just to gank all their keeps.
We had the game plan and keep after keep dropped all evening long. They
never came out, so we would suside on Ft. Sauvage doors and go back to
RvRing in Emain. Except for that one time we took an Alb Inf Guild keep
and then played around. Boy did we get hosed that night. If I remember
correctly, 7 of us dropped in less than 60 seconds. 2 groups of infs
came over the walls and picked their targets on us, then WHAM! we all
dropped. I had to laugh, at least some albs could be goaded.

I am getting old and senile, hard for me to remember names anymore. But
I will die before I forget all the good times in FwH on MLF

Keep the faith, there will always be one healer behind you spamming till I get hacked down.

Stepping Wolf (50 celt druid on MLF)

To the good, death isnt a punishment, only a release from their duties.

Posted : 19/07/2006 12:25 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

FWH Barrin wrote:

Keep the names coming if anyone can think of some others.

[From DAoC] (just trying to think of ones not mentioned yet).

Gates - Great Warden, really liked Gates.

Maddog - Who didn't love him? Another great warden who jumped between FWH and HoS, as many of us have.

Chantal, Chanel...Max, Corriander, Tecumseh, Gia, Alshain, Darius, Major, Amazing, Lopaka, Cordlain, Wynd, Seif, Vivarakus.

Well thats a few more to remember anyway.

Posted : 04/09/2006 7:30 pm
Posts: 45

I played also.

Aragil was the name of my character. I believe he was the 2nd ranger to hit 50 on the server.. After that HoS guy... struggeling to find his name.. started with a P i think...

Posted : 06/09/2006 5:09 pm
FWH Techumseh
Posts: 1139

That was Parabolic Dae. He was a legend back then. Snuck by guards in Albion and was sniping people off horseback in their safe zones. That was funny as hell! I'm sure they thought the game was bugged or something.

Posted : 06/09/2006 9:28 pm
Posts: 45

Yeah thats him! I remember him.. he went to iraq or something after a few months i believe.. he was awesome..

I remember having alot of sneaking sniper duels with an albion named Rolex also, he was great fun.. he ended up buying Aragil when i pulled out.

Posted : 06/09/2006 11:35 pm
FWH Techumseh
Posts: 1139

ROLEX!! I hated him with every fiber. LOL he's the reason I ditched my Eldritch and rolled a Furby Hero. Got tired of spending 15 minutes running out to Frontier to get one-shot by him 🙁 What a pain! And I'm sure Andarta got tired of hearing me spam "rez me plz!!!"

Posted : 07/09/2006 12:22 am
Posts: 45

Hehe 🙂

Sweet memories 🙂

Posted : 07/09/2006 4:40 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

FWH Techumseh wrote:

ROLEX!! I hated him with every fiber. LOL he's the reason I ditched my Eldritch and rolled a Furby Hero. Got tired of spending 15 minutes running out to Frontier to get one-shot by him 🙁 What a pain! And I'm sure Andarta got tired of hearing me spam "rez me plz!!!"

LOL, yeah I remember him. Notorious enemies in DAoC, MLF:

GORBY! That mean, scary, big old Troll! I remember my first time running into Gorby, he literally scared the ....out of me, barrellig down on me like a ton of bricks. But I learned to love, and respect him, because he truly was a great player. I still remember the few times I went head to head with Gorby and won, never felt so proud when I would actually beat him.

I also remember Mary, and Honey. They were also tough PvP customers.

Posted : 08/09/2006 1:00 am
Posts: 7

Hello all this is Marty of WGW. I was interested to read your history, as WGW and FWH shares quite a bit of history. We were in UO (Sonoma Shard) from late 1997 to late 1999. I believe that your member Chantal had a house right next to the WGW Guild House (in Yew if memory serves) on that shard for many months. My memory is just too fuzzy to remember a FWH guild presence there though.

We then spent the Winter of 1999 through October of 2001 in Asheron's Call on the Frostfell Server.

As you may know, we started on Hibernia/Morgan La Fey with FWH in October of 2001. We were even part of the FWH alliance for several months, and always got along well. We moved to the Classic server in late 2005/early 2006.

On a personal note, I played SWG for about a year with a guild called Helix Inc. (in my spare time). Imagine my surprise when, lo and behold, FWH was on that server too!

Now of course, our guilds are closer than ever in WoW on the Stonemaul server. We enjoy your company immensely, and I hope you guys are having a good time as well. Anyway, my gaming experience goes back to 1996, and I have known a lot of FWH over the years. Can't remember anyone I didn't enjoy gaming with.


Posted : 24/12/2006 1:03 pm
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

Hey Marty thanks for stopping in and checking out some of the history. I still miss some of the memories from the DAoC years. I thought it was hysterical when I found out WGW was on the same server as us in WoW. It was interesting to see that happen again after we had been with you guys in DAoC, not only on the same server but in the same realm.

Posted : 24/12/2006 5:21 pm
Posts: 45

FWH Andarta wrote: [QUOTE=FWH Techumseh]

ROLEX!! I hated him with every fiber. LOL he's the reason I ditched my Eldritch and rolled a Furby Hero. Got tired of spending 15 minutes running out to Frontier to get one-shot by him 🙁 What a pain! And I'm sure Andarta got tired of hearing me spam "rez me plz!!!"

LOL, yeah I remember him. Notorious enemies in DAoC, MLF:

GORBY! That mean, scary, big old Troll! I remember my first time running into Gorby, he literally scared the ....out of me, barrellig down on me like a ton of bricks. But I learned to love, and respect him, because he truly was a great player. I still remember the few times I went head to head with Gorby and won, never felt so proud when I would actually beat him.

I also remember Mary, and Honey. They were also tough PvP customers.

Hehe yeah i remember those guys aswell.

I took a break after DAoC from gamin altogether.. Anyone remember what happened to Aragil after Rolex bought him? Did he get to reapply to FWH or did he disapear?

He was a nice and fun guy, we had many real fun battles and always laughed about them afterwards on the forums.

Posted : 12/02/2007 11:21 pm
FWH Barrin
Posts: 187

When did Rolex buy him? Running RvR groups was the best back in the day. Ah DAoC.

Posted : 13/02/2007 2:08 am
Posts: 45

Dont remember any dates, but he bought him from me when i pulled out.. Maybe 6-7 months into the game or so, if that helps.

Posted : 13/02/2007 5:41 pm
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