Just so yall know, Neverwinters open bata is starting this week. Check it out I would love to see FWH have a big force in a game agin.
Well that looks interesting.
Actually don't let the "Open Beta" fool you. For some reason, they are calling this open beta but it is really the soft launch. Any character created in this period will not be wiped.
I have it downloaded. Was in a huge que this morning of over 12,000. I'll give it spin when I can.
which shard you guys playing on
Just downloaded it, thought i would give it a spin
We are on Beholder.
Ok made a cleric Sturic.
Guys have a guild started?
BTW WTF i already saw people lfg that are 60 and are talking gear scores.
How is that already possible?
Created a character also. I'll let you guess the name. Anyway...Don't see an FWH guild yet.
We have not started a guild yet, the only way to do it is you have to have a full group of 5 to start one. The reason there are people that high is if you paid for the game, depending on witch one you bought you got a 5 day - 3 day head start on the "open bata".
There were level 60 characters 2 days after the start on the 25th.
60 after two days???? I know people are insane but that sounds a little too easy.
I just wanted to tell you that I have two toons Fgia and Avaith and it will be @frmseabee
I'm in right now on Vystrel - like it so far. Combat targeting is interesting.
Is this Free to Play or monthly fee?
it is free to play, bank and bag space is a bit of a pain but all in all i am really liking it.
And yea John targeting is challenging, especially for healers.