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New computer

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FWH Mikill
Posts: 416
Topic starter

So my wife has actually told me that I could buy a new computer as my Christmas present! I was actually quite stunned as she doesn't even like me playing on it Smile

Anyway, I've been trying to find one for about $800 (thats my limit). The closest place I found was Has anyone bought from them before? Are they reputable? Does anyone have a suggestion where I could buy a gaming pc? I could buy parts and build's just been a long time since I've done that.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated!


Posted : 15/11/2011 12:34 am
Posts: 2050
Posts: 473

Should consider building your own.

I just did that and I know almost nothing about computers.

Watched 3 videos from new egg, found a couple recomended builds at

Posted the builds here got some great recomendations here for changes. Went to new egg and built the system then was able to link the build and email it.

Got a few more great ideas and finally settled on a build.

Ordered the parts, everything came in, i followed the instructions. Took me about 6 hours total with the windows install, updates, intalling lotro ect. Probably a bit slow but was my very first build.

Went amazingly well and i learned a lot.


Posted : 15/11/2011 3:37 am
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group

I don't remember who it was, but someone here bought a computer from and was completely happy with their purchase. I've checked out the site, and they keep their prices pretty reasonable. It's a site where you go and configure your PC, and they'll build it for you. Takes the guesswork out of it if you're not sure about building your own rig.

You can also go to Newegg, and check out the pre-configured computers there. For example, this is a fairly decent rig for under $800 (it happens to be an iBuyPower brand PC). On Newegg, start here, which is a listing of all their pre-configured PC's between $500 and $750. If none of those appeals to you, visit iBuyPower, and see what they can do.

Another option is CyberPower PC. They're on par with iBuyPower price-wise. They're another site where you configure what you want, and then have them build it for you. For example, check out the basic package they have for a Core i5 2500-K with 8GB RAM. It starts at $695 and has a GT-520 video card. Upgrade the video card to a GTX-550 Ti and you're at $792.

Good luck with finding what you want!

Posted : 15/11/2011 9:33 am
FWH Mikill
Posts: 416
Topic starter

Thanks for all the great help! I decided to with the one Vol suggested from Newegg. I always like ordering from there. Here it is again. It'll be a ton better than my current one. SWTOR should run great! I had a low frame rates and stuttering during the weekend test, so a new comp is definitely needed, plus I think mine is about to die also. Thanks again!!

Posted : 15/11/2011 12:30 pm