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Spoiler Alert. Star Wars Force Awakens

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Okay I said Spoiler

What the hell was Luke doing on that Island for like 20 years? What did he eat? Where is his ship? He ate something cause he is kind of chunky.

I liked the new Star Wars and it did a good job of entertaining the people who saw it for the first time and fans. IMO

Posted : 23/12/2015 10:38 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290

They made sure to repeat many of the same themes and produced something entertaining and a good setup for the next one which will likely be better.

Posted : 28/12/2015 8:57 am
FWH Jeep
Posts: 184

Yoda & luke both felt they failed, both went into exile only to be found.

Taco Bell delivers in the future.

Posted : 28/12/2015 1:57 pm
Posts: 1324

The Force Awakens, IMO, is history repeating itself. Its not a remake, and imho its not meant to be an homage. History is repeating. Similiar themes but not identical.

JJ had to set the stage for the trilogy. He had to interest a new generation while drawing back the original fans. Thats a tall tall order. And JJ nailed it! It wasnt perfect, I have some critiques. But none of them are significant. This was Star Wars again (unlike the prequals).

In response to your questions James Luke left in search of the original Jedi Temple. I suspect he wanted wisdom and understanding from the history of the Jedi Order he couldnt get from the resources currently available. The lost knowledge. He needs this to understand where he went wrong with Ben.

We dont know yet if he actually found it, if it exists on that planet.

What we do know is that he himself left the clues to be found again when it was time. He wasnt surprised when Rey walked up to him. He was SHOCKED when she pulled out the Lightsaber. The Saber that was originally his Fathers before Anikin turned to the Darkside. The saber that was lost when Vader cut off his hand. It hasnt been seen since then and suddenly its in Reys hand and she's handing it to him.

I suspect there is even more significance we dont know yet. Because we dont know who Rey is. Is she Lukes daughter? Is she the grandaughter of Obi Wan? She heard Obi Wan's voice in that Force Vision. Both Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor (Brilliant). Or is she another Force Birth? We dont know. But Im convinced Luke already knows.

Rey is the Awakening. Many fansites believe she had some force training that was blocked from her memory when she was left on Jakku. It was woken up when Kylo Ren tried to interrogate her. It was further awakened when they battled. But who is she? And who brought her to Jakku?

Posted : 03/01/2016 3:24 am
Posts: 876

I loved it but had a few critiques as well. At the end, why did Chewie walk past Leia after Hans death? That felt odd. I also think she's Lukes Daughter, left behind to protect her from Snokes influence. Probably part of her mind wiped as suggested above too. I thought at first she might be a Solo, but I think Hans knowing looks and quick offer of a job were more of an uncle/niece relationship than Rey belonging to the solo's.

Posted : 04/01/2016 12:53 am
Posts: 610

Heh, Maybe her real name is Mara Jade?

Posted : 05/01/2016 10:07 am
Posts: 1324

She'd be a ittle young for the Mara Jade role if they decided to cherry pick her into the new canon.

And I totally agree with you Brad on Chewie. Everything from that sceen on was a bit awkward. Chewie should have hugged Leia. And why did the resistance send Rey who they barely know to go find Luke when they've been looking for him for years. Theres a conversation that obviously didnt make the cut but should have.

And the Luke reveal pullback went way to long.

Posted : 06/01/2016 6:43 am
FWH Briareos
Posts: 229

oh come on its so obvious! she is luke's daughter! Not! She is the reincarnation of Darth Vader 🙂 well he didnt have a father...he was a one off...and why not throw a reincarnated jesus into the mix 🙂

Posted : 07/01/2016 1:29 am
Posts: 2050
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Leia seems to have known Rey. I means she had to they stay over to the side hugging while everybody else is cheering. I guess they could have spoke on the blue glowly radio about seeing Han Solo die, but how does Rey know Lela? Does Chewie tell her? Does not seem like something the wookiee would do. Rey makes a connection with Han but still they knew each other for maybe 2 days.

I guess the next two movies will clear all that up.

Posted : 08/01/2016 12:55 pm
Posts: 1324

Oh JJ totally set this up as a deliberate mystery. Many theories abound on fansites, movie talk shows, etc.

Posted : 10/01/2016 12:20 am
Posts: 610

who/what is snoke?

Posted : 15/01/2016 11:37 am
Posts: 858

Some saying she's Obi-Wan's secret daughter.

Some saying Snoke is darth plagueis.

Also he might not have always been on that island. There could be a chain of islands or maybe he was living in the region, out for a walk, and the force guided her to him. The island life isn't to be taken literally, otherwise JJ would've added a poop hole.

Posted : 19/01/2016 5:25 am
Posts: 610

it's pretty lame that disney said they booted all the past canon yet pilfered from it

Posted : 19/01/2016 4:16 pm
Posts: 1324

Actually Gilby its not lame at all. First I have to correct you on something. All the past writings were never Canon. Lucas never considered them anymore than fan fiction. He just didnt make a big deal about publicising the fact. But its always been clear that he never considered them Canon, only the fans did that.

Lucasfilms only oversaw the fan fiction to the point of making sure nothing contradicted the existing movies and the Lucasfilms always got their cut. They never really guided the stories at all. The result was a long stream of stories that didnt always match up to each other. Timelines that didnt work. And events that left fans very unhappy in a number of cases. Like Chewie getting killed by a moon.

Now what we have is a focused and controlled core story arc that licensed writers are allowed to be creative within under the supervision of a team that monitors every story be it a book, comic, or animated series. That is far better than what we had before. And yes, they can go back and cherry pick those ideas that worked well and fit with their vision for future plots. And leave out everything that doesnt. I was upset when I first heard about Disney's announcement too. The idea that the Timothy Zahn's trilogy with Admiral Thrawn was never going to be continued, valued, or made into movies had me angry at first. But now I realize 2 things. First is that this is the right move to make going forward. It brings the ability to maintain a cohessive universe for years to come. The second was that they can still cherry pick Thrawn and much of that story into the now Canonized universe. And likely will. Afterall Thrawn is the most popular character ever created from the fan fiction!

Posted : 23/01/2016 1:13 am
Posts: 1324

Getting back to the subject of The Force Awakens.

As I was seeing the movie a second time something stood out to me. Its been 3 weeks since then and I haven't been able to let it go. And that is Rey's accent. Sounds trivial right? But I dont think it is. The actor that plays Finn is also british but he has a far stronger accent than Daisy Ridley does. Yet they had him speak in an american accent. Rey however was left with a soft english accent. I dont believe that it was an oversight, nor a coincidence. And there's only 1 character in all of Star Wars that had that same accent.

2 things I want to interject. First is that Im using "English accent" as a description only. Not implying any sort of link from Star Wars to England. Almost silly to add that but I had to in a conversation with a friend so I will do so here. Second is that she cannot be Obi-won's daughter. The timeline doesn't work. She would be his Grand Daughter.

Posted : 23/01/2016 1:28 am
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