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[Sticky] TeamSpeak 3 Transition

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FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290
Topic starter

It's time to transition to TeamSpeak 3!

You will all notice a new, TS3 info window below the old TS2 server info window. I intend to remove the TS2 info this weekend.

--edited 10/20/2012 - due to server disconnects I've opted to set up a dedicated TS3 server

server address:

port: 36657 (also the default port, so shouldn't have to be entered)

server password: same as the TS2 server (PM me if you need that password)

TS3 includes much better security, scalability, administrative controls and best of all: official clients for Mac and Linux (just in case we have hardcore Linux geeks I'm not aware of).

TS3 also supports clients for iOS and Android. I've tested the Mac, WIndows and iOS clients (on iPhone and iPad) and they work very well.

The TS2 server is still available, but I will be closing that in a few weeks or as soon as I get the impression we've made the collective move. I ask that everyone get their clients downloaded and set up for TS3:

TeamSpeak 3 Downloads

The permissions system works very differently and I'm still getting used to administration of TS3, but I've managed to get it running as a service and have installed a web based interface for management - both of which were stumbling blocks to this move in the past.

Klay, Jeep and Geirrod had connections to this server, but users are linked to the machine they connect from, so if you three are still on the same PC, your permissions should work still, if not, I'll see your new user connections and be able to make modifications.

I set up some basic channels, but we can always set up more.

Posted : 17/10/2012 3:43 am
Posts: 506


I just got a new to me machine so I will need to set up a new connection when I get home tonight.

I will note though that the reason we stopped using TS3 was that we were constantly getting disconnected (multiple times within a couple of hours timeframe on several different nights). I just realized I never told you that and I don't know if it is a known TS3 issue but it was pretty constant.

Posted : 17/10/2012 3:54 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290
Topic starter

I've been connected for several hours now on 2 and sometimes 3 different clients without any disconnects so hopefully that was a temporary network issue or has been addressed in version updates since then.

I upgraded the server version today as well.

Posted : 17/10/2012 4:30 am
Posts: 876

Not sure if everyone is getting this but when I look on the right i see this:


Code: 3331

flood ban


There are new anti flood settings in TeamSpeak 3 server. The TSViewer needs to send for example 7 commands (number of commands varies) to your server to get the needed informations. The default values for the anti flood are so low that it blocks then.


Place the server IP into the query_ip_whitelist.txt file inside of your server directory. Restart the whole TeamSpeak 3 server instance afterwards or wait 5 minutes if you have a beta16 server or higher (since beta16 the server gets IP�s from this file every 5 minutes). If you dont have access to this kind of settings contact your TeamSpeak 3 hosting company to do that for you.

Posted : 17/10/2012 6:58 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290
Topic starter

Odd. Haven't seen that, but I'll add the IP to the whitelist.

Posted : 17/10/2012 7:30 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290
Topic starter

Updated - should take effect in 5.

Posted : 17/10/2012 7:37 am
FWH Shishion
Posts: 120

Just got the iOS app installed but haven't set it up yet. Just as an FYI, the TS3 app for the iPhone/iPad costs $5.

Posted : 17/10/2012 11:39 am
Posts: 1324

Teamspeak for Android is in Beta. It's being developed by the makers of Teamspeak. While it's in beta it's free. I've downloaded it but won't have an opportunity to test it till next week as I'm going out of town this weekend.

Posted : 17/10/2012 1:40 pm
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290
Topic starter

Sorry I overlooked the cost of the apps, but on a positive note, I tested the iPad version on my couch last night with the standard Apple headset and had excellent results.

Posted : 17/10/2012 11:48 pm
Posts: 506

Last night G, Lasker, and I all got dc'd at one point last night. Tonight I have been on for about an hour and a half and already dc'd twice.

Posted : 19/10/2012 9:53 am
Posts: 947

Yeah. I got dc'd twice today, but I was on for several hours.

Posted : 19/10/2012 3:35 pm
FWH Jeep
Posts: 184

working as intended

Posted : 20/10/2012 2:13 am
FWH Vystrel
Posts: 1290
Topic starter

In light of the disconnects continuing, I've set up a dedicated TS3 server and edited the server information in my first post, but will also repeat it here:

server address:

port: 36657 (also the default port, so shouldn't have to be entered)

server password: same as the TS2 server (PM me if you need that password)

Posted : 20/10/2012 2:30 am
Posts: 858

for those nat familiar, per Klay, I had to type the address as: 36657

to get a connection

Posted : 21/10/2012 12:00 pm
FWH Jeep
Posts: 184

could we get a MechWarrior channel please when someone has time, thankyou in advance.


Posted : 01/11/2012 1:47 pm
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