Alright, a little bored here at work and our forums are dead so trying something...
What is your favorite Christmas memory?
Opening the present that was clearly a guitar case, trying to pretend I was excited even though it wasn't something I'd ever asked for - only to find it was my first BB gun! Mom got me good...
Getting a Dukes of hazard set of Figures aka (action dolls for boys). Then the neighbors kid stripped boss hog of his attire threw them down the street drain. From then on I got alot of strange looks from people for playing with a naked fat man. I did get Bo and Luke Duke by the way and the General Lee.
But getting my Dukes of Hazard was the favorite thing just had to tell the naked boss hog story kind of goes with it.
Getting an x-wing fighter. A REAL ONE
hehehe, I can't say here 😀
When I was 10 I remember coming to the top of the stair and I clearly remember seeing my mom giving Santa Claus a kiss 🙂 My dad dressed up and we truly believed it was Santa Claus. That morning my brother and I found a Yamaha Endero 100 and Kawaski 100 parked by the x-mas tree. Def the best Christmas ever for the memory of Santa and the bikes 🙂
One of the best memories is the first Christmas Bennett and I were together. We spent Christmas with my family and, unbeknownst to me, my parents had decided that this was the year to gift my sister and I with guns that had been passed down through my dad's family. I was given one of my late grandfather's pistols and my younger sister was given a .410 bolt-action that she'd always coveted. (It had belonged to her late godfather, my dad's oldest brother.) I swear you could see the thought bubble over Bennett's head - "Huh. These people give their daughters weaponry for Christmas. This can't be a good sign..." Still makes me smile to remember it.
My favorite Christmas memory is not any one thing in particular... not a present, nor dinner... not even all the candies that were always out. My favorite memory is simply all my family getting together at Grammy and Gramps' house. There are a lot of us, and all the cousins were fairly close in age, and we were all very close. Gram and Gramps had 8 children altogether. All of those children save one had at least 2 of their own children, so there were a lot of us. The house was small, and packed. You could barely move around the house. There was always a lot of food, and everyone was happy and full of love for each other. To me that is what Christmas will always be about. It will never be like that again, as most of the cousins live all over the states now. But I'll cherish the memories forever.
@ Bennett -- A wife who games and digs guns . . . don't screw this up, brother!
FWH Auroarah wrote: One of the best memories is the first Christmas Bennett and I were together. We spent Christmas with my family and, unbeknownst to me, my parents had decided that this was the year to gift my sister and I with guns that had been passed down through my dad's family. I was given one of my late grandfather's pistols and my younger sister was given a .410 bolt-action that she'd always coveted. (It had belonged to her late godfather, my dad's oldest brother.) I swear you could see the thought bubble over Bennett's head - "Huh. These people give their daughters weaponry for Christmas. This can't be a good sign..." Still makes me smile to remember it.

Me, my brother, and my step brother begged all year for new bikes. Me and Britt (step brother) wanted the new Mongoose bikes for tricks and whatnot and my brother Stephen wanted a mountain bike.
We always got plenty for Christmas. We opened all our gifts and enjoyed a very nice Christmas morning. We did not get our bikes which was a bit of a let down, but we got a gaming system and some cool games.
As we helped with the clean like every year my step dad Wes came in and started yelling at me. WTF!!! I started my normal vicious returns, but he stuck to his guns and made me go outside.
See I was asked to clean out the outside closet (kinda like a shed but attached to the house). I was pretty sure I had done a solid job cleaning that already, thus my reaction.
When I bruted my way outside to clean my rage filled cleaning on Christmas day I shot this man a look that might kill some lesser men. I opened the door to the closest and found a brand new bike for each of us boys and a little pink bike for my sister.
Each bike was tricked out the way only a young one could dream. Each of us got exactly the bike we asked for. Hard to explain how I felt right then. But the burn he and my mom put on me that year was legen----wait for it----dary.
He was my favorite step dad btw.
For those on my Facebook friends list you have probably already seen pics from my favorite Christmas. I never really had a bad one growing up, but putting together a feast and Santa experience for people in need was probably my best adventure.
A great group of guys from my dorm in college helped provide a great Christmas for some Full time students that had kids of their own. We took over the college kitchen for several hours and cooked up a feast. We got donations from community companies and the school itself. We went shopping for toys. We had a nice party. Seeing a kid light up eating his full and then getting to talk to Santa (me btw) and get a gift was great times.
Thanks to those who participated.