Why I do what I do....
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Why I do what I do...

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FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group
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...and I suspect why many of you do what you do as well! Days like yesterday make everything worthwhile... all of our struggles (financial, physical, mental, personal, interpersonal, etc.) become less important and our labors worthwhile when times like this are the fruit of those labors! It's video of my boy Payden after I built him a swingset/slide over the weekend.

I had just finished getting everything put together, and hadn't yet hung the swings, but I had to have him try out the slide. You'll love his reaction after going down the first time! Priceless to me, of course, and glad as hell I caught it on video!

Posted : 16/04/2012 3:44 am
Posts: 947

Very cool man. Gratz on a completed quest.

Posted : 16/04/2012 5:21 am
FWH VolShebnik
Posts: 1159
Member Admin Group
Topic starter

Yeah that was big xp, lol... my body is in pain today!

Posted : 16/04/2012 5:33 am
Posts: 876

Grats. Hoping to put some of my tools to good use in the next few years with little P.T. gets a bit bigger. The wife is already rolling her eyes at my plans for a super swingset.....Muahahahaa!

Posted : 16/04/2012 5:52 am
Posts: 1324

Dad sounds like he was breathing hard in the background there. Someone's a little lacking on their PT 😉

BTW, who the heck is FWHMolotok??

Posted : 16/04/2012 12:22 pm