Do we even have a GL for Stonemaul anymore? If so, I need some rights to the vault. To be able to deposit and withdraw. They're practically empty now but they're paid for so may as well put them to use 🙂 Me and the boys are playing a little here and there. I'm still playing Tecumseh mostly (Protect Warrior).
Vystrel passed it to one of my toons. I would be happy to pass it to you since when the wife and I are on, we play on Hyjal. Won't be able to get on tonight, but post a time for this weekend and I can try to meet up.
Ok great! How about tomorrow (Friday night) at 8pm ET.
I can try but pad me a little bit as that is prime putting kids to bed time
So for everyone's info, here are the current GM owners for the different servers.
Hyjal - Amerwyn
Stonemaul- Tec
Duskwood - Shishion
If someone needs something, just post here on the boards.